Public Policy Certificate

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Coordinator Contact: Katherine E. Young, Ph.D.

Program Description:

The purpose of the public policy certificate is to give students key knowledge for understanding and analyzing public policy issues across a range of disciplines. The public policy certificate is designed so that students take foundational courses in governmental institutions, research methods, public policy and public administration, and economics, which provide core knowledge and research skills that can be applied to various policy areas. The public policy certificate is designed to prepare students for work in government administration, public management, legislative and executive staff, public interest groups, and nongovernmental organizations. The public policy certificate also prepares students for graduate programs in public policy and public administration, public affairs, and public management.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the public policy process, including the roles of government institutions, economic systems, and policy communities
  • Evaluate empirical and conceptual policy-related research
  • Apply public policy analytical tools to examine public policy issues and make policy recommendations
  • Communicate effectively in written and oral forms

Program Requirements:

Required Foundation Courses (15 credits)

  • POLS 101 Am Politics: National (3) or POLS 101G Am Politics: Ntl Citizenship (3)
  • ECON 100 Intro To Economics (3) or ECON 130 Intro To Microeconomics (3) or ECON 131 Intro To Macroeconomics (3)
  • POLS 338 Public Policy Process (3) or POLS 360 Public Administration (3)
  • POLS 361 Public Leadership & Ethics (3)
  • POLS 380 Methods Of Research (3) or one of the following courses:
    • SOC 380 Methods Of Research (3)
    • GEOG 441 Environmentl Impact Assessment (3)
    • MATH 115 Intro to Stats and Prob (3)

Electives (Choose two from below, 6 credits)

  • POLS 331 Presidency And Congress (3)
  • POLS 335 Envir Politics & Policy (3)
  • POLS 337 Politic of Hawaii: State/Local (3)
  • POLS 340 U.S. Foreign Policy (3)
  • POLS 346 International Organizations (3)
  • POLS 355 Internatl Political Economy (3)
  • POLS/AJ 391 Internship (3–12)