Psychology (PSY) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
PSY 100 Survey Of Psy (3) Principles of human behavior, individual differences, motivation, emotion, perception, learning. This introductory course provides a general survey of the entire field of psychology and serves as the prerequisite for all upper-division psychology courses. (Attributes: DS)
PSY 213 Statistical Techniques (4) Frequency distributions; graphic methods; central tendency and variability; correlation and regression; inferential statistics; non-parametric statistics. Pre: PSY 100 with a grade of C- or better, and a grade of C- or better in MATH 115 or higher. (Attributes: GQ)
PSY 214 Research Methodology (4) Methods of scientific observation, nature of experiments, the use of quasi-experimental designs, control group experimental designs, and single-subject experimental designs. Potentials and problems in research and clinical uses of these designs. Ethical considerations involved in conducting research. Pre: PSY 100, 213.
PSY 312 Evaluation Research (3) The application of research methods in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of social programs. Needs assessment, program monitoring impact assessment and efficiency analysis will be surveyed. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214.
PSY 313 Testing & Measurements (3) Principles, concepts, and procedures of psychological testing, including construction, validation, interpretation, and use of tests in intellectual and personality assessment. Pre: PSY 100, 213.
PSY 314 Learning & Motivation (3) Major conditions influencing learning and forgetting; role of practice, reward, motivation, drive and emotion; theoretical interpretations of learning and motivation. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214.
PSY 315 Sensation And Perception (3) Psychophysics, vision, audition, taste, smell, theories of perception. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214.
PSY 319 Experimental Psychology (3) Original experiments with emphasis upon laboratory techniques. Control of variables, apparatus design, statistics in research. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214.
PSY 320 Developmental Psy (3) General trends and variability in lifespan human development. Systematic change and continuity in mind and behavior from conception to death. Interaction among psychological, social and biological aspects of development. Normative and problematic development; risk and protective factors. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 321 Psy Of Personality (3) Scientific study of personality through examination of major theoretical approaches: personality functioning, development, and change; assessment and research strategies; empirical data on central concepts and social-cultural determinants. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 322 Social Psychology (3) Interpersonal relations, social attitudes; group dynamics; intergroup relations, class and cultural influences. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 323 Community Psychology (3) Community factors such as urbanization, social service programs, and schools as they affect the psychological well-being of individuals. Social system intervention techniques to better the fit between individuals and environments. Pre: PSY 100. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, GAHP, GCC, HPP)
PSY 324 Abnormal Psychology (3) Nature and causes of psychotic, neurotic, intellectual, and other psychological disorders. Definition, assessment, and diagnosis of abnormality. Psychotherapy, chemotherapy, and other treatment alternatives. Prevention, legal, and societal issues. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 325 Psychology Of Women (3) Issues and topics relevant to the psychological development and functioning of women including sex differences in abilities and behavior, achievement motivation, work, sexuality, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, mental health and domestic violence. Pre: PSY 100. (Same as WS 325)
PSY 333 Psycholinguistics (3) Theory and method in the investigation of the relationship between language and cognition, first and second language acquisition, speech pathologies. Pre: LING 102 or PSY 100 or consent of instructor. (Same as LING 333)
PSY 335 Animal Psychology (3) Biological, ecological, social and learned bases of animal behavior based on laboratory and field investigations. Pre: PSY 100 or consent of instructor.
PSY 350 Cognitive Psychology (3) Theories, assumptions, empirical findings, and applications of cognitive psychology. Topics include memory, inference, prediction, and mental imagery. Pre: PSY 214.
PSY 352 Introduction to Biopsychology (3) Survey of the study of behavior from the viewpoint of the natural sciences. Genetics, neural mechanisms, pharmacology, and biological development of behavior will be discussed. Pre: PSY 100, 214.
PSY 353 Clinical Psychopharmacology (3) This course will offer a discussion of psychopathology from a biological perspective including the neurochemical, neuroanatomical, and genetic causes of psychological disease. Emphasis will be placed on the pharmacotherapeutic treatment of psychopathology. Pre: PSY 352 or instructor's consent.
PSY 355 Science of Sex (3) This course will examine the scientific study of sexual behavior in both human and non-human animals from the perspectives of behavioral genetics, psychoneuroendocrinology, ethology, psychology, and neuroscience. Pre: PSY 214 or instructor's consent.
PSY 360 Cross-Cultural Psy (3) Application of psychological methodology and theories to the study of behavior in selected cultures, with a focus on Polynesia. Topics to include child-rearing and socialization, cognition, personality, and social behavior patterns. Pre: PSY 100 and upper division standing. (Attributes: GAHP)
PSY 369 Evolutionary Psychology (3) The course is a synthesis of modern psychology and evolutionary biology. It introduces students to the basic mechanisms of behavioral evolution. The course emphasizes adaptive problems and how humans of different sexes, cultures, ages and developmental stages solve them. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 370 Sport Psychology (3) Survey of methods and findings in the application of psychological principles in sport. Topics include arousal and anxiety, cognitive processes, team performance, coaching behavior and techniques to maximize sports performance. Pre: PSY 100. (Same as KES 370).
PSY 377 Counseling Psychology (3) This course covers the various theoretical approaches to counseling, the therapeutic relationship, techniques of counseling, ethical issues, research, diagnosis and assessment, cross-cultural counseling, as well as career, family and couples, and group interventions. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 380 Health Psychology (3) Psychosocial factors in physical health, illness, and the health care system. Topics include stress and coping, personality and social factors affecting health, adaptation to chronic illness, death and dying, patient-practitioner relationships, the institutional context, and health promotion. Pre: PSY 100.
PSY 385 Women & Health (3) Reproductive health, immune activity, autoimmune disease and mental health in women are covered from physiological, psychological, historical and cross-cultural perspectives. Pre: PSY 100. (Same as WS 385)
PSY 390 Industrial & Organizationl Psy (3) The application of the methods, facts, and principles of psychology to people at work in diverse group and organizational settings.
PSY 416 Emotion (3) A comprehensive introduction to the topic of emotion as it has been treated in the field of Psychology. Different theories and approaches to the scientific study of emotion, including basic neuroscientific principles, and recent human brain imaging techniques are discussed. Pre: PSY 352 or consent of instructor.
PSY 420 Adolescent Develp & Mental Hlt (3) Normative and problematic development during adolescence. Cross-cultural differences and similarities in adolescent development. Theoretical approaches to adolescent mental health. Causes and effects of maladjustment. Approaches to prevention and intervention. Pre: PSY 214, PSY 320.
PSY 422 Psychology of Sustainability (3) This course takes a service-learning approach to the study of theory and research in the areas of psychology that affect sustainable living. Research in the areas of attitudes, persuasion, behavior change, risk perception, social dilemmas, and social norms will be included. Classes will be seminars with the addition of students working in small groups to investigate and develop recommendations for a community client on a problem related to the promotion of sustainable living. Pre: PSY 214 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: ALEX, GCC)
PSY 425 Career Development (3) Work-related behavior over the span of life. Theory, research, and counseling about career development. Work values, career goals, career decision-making, and occupational choice. Work adjustment and satisfaction. Work within the context of human lives. Interaction between career development processes and other domains of life, such as family, education, leisure. Course is conducted as a seminar with an emphasis on discussion. Pre: PSY 214, PSY 320.
PSY 430 Physiological Psychology (3) Relationship between physiology and behavior. Topics include neuroanatomy, the hormone systems associated with feeding, drinking, reproduction, aggression, and stress, and the neurological and hormonal basis of mental disorders. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214, or instructor's consent.
PSY 430L Physiol Psy Lab (1) Laboratory to accompany PSY 430.
PSY 431 Brain Disease (3) Neurobiological mechanisms of central nervous system diseases and disorders. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214 and either PSY 350 or 352.
PSY 432 Psy Of Motivation (3) Theories of arousal and activation, incentive and reinforcement, and behavior suppression. Pre: PSY 100 and instructor's consent.
PSY 436 Animal Cognition (3) (lecture/other) A survey of the historical and contemporary scientific literature on animal cognition using a wide variety of species. The course covers a broad array of topics that may include concept formation, memory processes, numerical competence, social learning and imitation, self-awareness, theory of mind, referential communication and grammatical skills. Pre: PSY 213, 214, and PSY 314 or 350, or instructor's consent. (Same as BIOL 436)
PSY 437 Marine Mammal Behavior (3) An introduction to marine mammals with emphasis on the behavior of marine mammals. Special attention given to those species found in Hawaiian waters. Individual species are examined within a comparative framework. Topics include: behavioral ecology, social behavior, cetacean societies, mating systems, communication, sensory perception, and cognition. Pre: PSY 213, PSY 214 and PSY 314 or PSY 315 or PSY 350 or PSY 352 or instructor's consent. (Same as BIOL 437)
PSY 438 Child Cognition (3) How children think. A survey of how human perceptual and cognitive skills and intellectual abilities develop from infancy through early adolescence, and how cognitive development corresponds to brain development. Topics include theories of cognitive development, perception and attention, mental representation, concept development, categorization, social awareness, theory of mind, memory systems, language development, numerical competence, and approaches to the study of intelligence. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214, and PSY 320 or instructor's consent.
PSY 440 History Of Psychology (3) Historical origins and development of contemporary psychology. Pre: 12 semester hours in psychology.
PSY 445 Practicum in Psychology (3) Supervised experience in human service, mental health and other community agencies in the local community. Pre: 12 semester hours in Psychology and instructor's consent. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, GCC)
PSY 450 Child Behavior Therapy (3) This is an advanced seminar on the practical application of behavioral theory to treatment of child and adolescent psychological disorders. Special emphasis will be given to the integration of science and practice with topics including behavioral assessment, basic principles and procedures of behavior modification, and evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents. Pre: PSY 100, PSY 213, PSY 214 and PSY 320 or PSY 324.
PSY 451 Adult Behavior Therapy (3) Theory, research, and practice in cognitive behavior therapy applied to adult disorders and problems. Treatment applications of relaxation, exposure and prevention, desensitization, aversion therapy, biofeedback, self-control, imagery and cognitive strategies. Pre: PSY 324
PSY 452 Drugs of Abuse (3) Effects and consequences of drugs of abuse from both psychological and biological perspectives. Implications for substance abuse treatment will be discussed. Pre: PSY 352 or instructor's consent.
PSY 453 Clinical Psychopharmacology (3) This course will offer a discussion of psychopathology from a biological perspective including the neurochemical, neuroanatomical, and genetic causes of psychological disease. Emphasis will be placed on the pharmacotherapeutic treatment of psychopathology. Pre: PSY 352 or instructor's consent.
PSY 454 Methamphetamine: Clinc/Forens (3) Effects and consequences of methamphetamine from both psychological and biological perspectives. Methamphetamine, politics and the law. Implications for substance abuse treatment will be discussed. Pre: PSY 352 or instructor's consent.
PSY 460 Psychology of Culture & Health (3) This course examines research and theory on how culture influences the occurrence, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of disease in an individual. In seminar-format, we will explore behaviors and attitudes that affect health and prevention of disease in the individual and how they are affected by culture, such as cultural definitions of health, culture and the conception of the body, as well as cultural influences on attitudes and beliefs related to health and disease. Pre: PSY 214, PSY 360, or instructor's consent.
PSY 461 Psychology and Cancer (3) This course examines the state of behavioral and social science research regarding the impact of psychological, biological, behavioral, and social factors on cancer onset, progression, treatment, and survival. These factors are considered across the entire cancer continuum and at multiple levels of analysis. Pre: PSY 100, 213, 214, 323. (Attributes: GCC, HPP)
PSY 465 Interpersonal Relationships (3) This course will examine relationships from a scientific standpoint. A number of different perspectives will be utilized including social, developmental, counseling, and clinical psychology. A variety of questions will be addressed such as what are relationships and why are they important to study, what are the different kinds of relationships and how do they affect people differently, attachment style, relationship formation and termination, social support, relationships and health, and relationship therapy. Pre: PSY 100, PSY 213, PSY 214, and PSY 322.
PSY 469 Social Behavior of Primates (3) The course examines primate social systems. Emphasis is on a comparative analysis of primates' socioecology, group life, communication and intelligence. Pre: PSY 352 or PSY 335, or instructor's consent.
PSY 470 Clinical Psychology (3) Nature, history, and contemporary state of the profession of clinical psychology. Theories, methods, and findings in assessment, intervention, research, and clinical practice. Multiple roles of the clinical psychologist, ethical and professional issues, standards of care, legal regulations of practice, and the mental health care system. Pre: PSY 324.
PSY 471 Child Abuse and Neglect (3) A survey of topics related to physical, sexual and psychological child abuse and neglect, including: the prevalence and incidence of different forms of abuse and neglect, scientific theories and findings about the causes and consequences of abuse and neglect, forensic and clinical assessment of abuse and neglect, mandated reporting and other legal issues, and psychological interventions for abused and neglected children and their families. Pre: PSY 214 and PSY 320, or instructor's consent.
PSY 472 Positive Psychology (3) This course provides an overview of the field of positive psychology, which is the study of happiness, life satisfaction, subjective well-being and, more generally, what goes right in human lives from birth to death. We will review research findings that examine the associations and causal connections between (1) genetics, physical health, work, leisure, upbringing, education, money, fame, sex, love, family, friendship, religion, culture, and life decisions and (2) happiness, life satisfaction, subjective wellbeing and flourishing. The course also provides an introduction to applied positive psychology—the development, validation, and implementation of psychotherapeutic techniques designed to enhance subjective well-being. Students will participate in several applied positive psychology interventions that may improve the quality of their lives. Pre: PSY 100, PSY 213, PSY 214, PSY 320 or 321 or 322 or 324, or instructor's consent.
PSY 475 Asian American Psychology (3) The course examines the personality and mental health issues of Asian Americans. Special emphasis is given to how minority group status, adaptation processes and bicultural development influence various aspects of psychological functioning. Specific topics include stereotypes and racism acculturation and enculturation, cultural values and behavioral norms, family roles, ethnic identity, communication styles, gender and interracial relationships, academic and career achievement, stressors and social support systems, psychopathology and culturally competent mental health treatment. Pre: PSY 100 and any one of the following: PSY320 or PSY324 or PSY360 or PSY377, or instructor consent. (Attributes: DS, GAHP, HPP)
PSY 489 Research Seminar (3) (other) Research in Psychology. Statement of 3 semester hours of planned reading or research required. Attendance at bimonthly seminar required. Seminars include lectures, discussions and research reports of topics in psychology presented by faculty, students, and visiting scholars. Pre: consent of instructor.
PSY 496 Tchg Asst & Tutoring in PSY (1–3) Practice in individual tutoring, and in the preparation of the selected topics in Psychology lecture or laboratory courses, under direct instructional supervision. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits and may not be used to replace any specific course or elective requirements of the Psychology major. Pre: supervising instructor and department chair consent.
PSY x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
PSY x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.
Additional Courses
Also see the PSY graduate-level courses.