Pre-Teacher Education Sequence for MAT Admission
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
The Pre-MAT sequence is the first step in completing the requirements for admission into the MAT Program. Students that successfully complete this phase will be able to apply to the MAT Program.
The Pre-MAT Program Requirements and Course Information
Students who consider seeking licensure should ideally begin preparation during their undergraduate program of study. Contact the School of Education at 932-7102 to make an appointment for advising. The following information is provided for students interested in completing the Pre-MAT requirements.
- Content Preparation Requirements for all elementary Pre-MAT students (9)
- Content Preparation Electives for elementary Pre-MAT students (optional courses, not required)
- ED 346 Teaching Children's Literature (3)
- DNCE 419 Dance In Education (3)
- MUS 419 Music for Elem Teachers (3)
- Content Preparation Requirements for secondary Pre-MAT students seeking Social Studies license: (12)
- Choose one US History course from the following (3):
- HIST 380 United States: 1620-1789 (3)
- HIST 381 United States: 1790-1865 (3)
- HIST 382 United States: 1866-1929 (3)
- HIST 383 United States: 1930 - 1980 (3)
- Take both World History courses in the following sequence (6):
- HIST 151 World History to 1500 (3)
- HIST 152 World History since 1500 (3)
- Choose one Hawaiʻi course from the following (3):
- ANTH 386 Hawaiian Culture Before 1819 (3)
- ANTH 387 Modern Hawn Cult 1819-Present (3)
- GEOG 332 Geog Of Hawaiian Islands (3)
- HIST 284 History of Hawaii (3)
- HIST 332 Hawaiian Kingdom (3)
- HIST 333 Twentieth Century Hawaii (3)
- Choose one US History course from the following (3):
- Content Preparation Requirements for secondary Pre-MAT students who are Non-English majors seeking English license (18)
- Pre-Survey Requirements. (9)
- ENG 200A Lit Genres: Short Story/Novel (3) or ENG 200B Intro to Lit Genres: Drama (3) or ENG 200C Intro to Lit Genres: Poetry (3) or ENG 200D Intro Lit Genres: Popular Fict (3) or ENG 200E Lit Genres: Myth/Folklore (3) or ENG 200F Intro to Lit Genres: Autobiogr (3)
- One additional 200-level writing course
- ENG 300 Intro to Literary Studies (3)
- Choose one sequence from the literature survey courses below (6):
- ENG 304-305 Survey of British Lit I (3), Survey of British Lit II (3) or ENG 351-352 Amer Lit: to the Civil War (3), Amer Lit: Civil War-Pres (3)
- Choose one 300-level course or one course from the following (3):
- ENG 324 Modern English Grammar & Usage (3)
- ENG 482 Teaching Composition (3)
- ENG 492 Teaching Literature (3)
- Pre-Survey Requirements. (9)
Note: Each of the above courses must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. Content preparation courses, in combination, must be passed with a 2.75 GPA or better.