Marketing (MKT) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

College of Business and Economics (COBE)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

MKT 310 Princ of Marketing (3) Fundamental marketing concepts and contemporary marketing issues are analyzed within present economic, social and legal environments; consumer and functional analysis are emphasized. Pre: C or better in ECON 130, ACC 201 and BUS 290.

MKT 311 Marketing Management (3) Planning, evaluation, and control of the marketing function. Procedures for developing the analysis and solution to common marketing management problems involving pricing, distribution, product development and promotion. Pre: MKT 310.

MKT 313 Promotional Strategy (3) The role of promotion in an organization's communication processes from a theoretical and managerial perspective. Advertising, personal selling and sales promotion are analyzed from the view of both the organization and its consumer groups. Pre: MKT 310

MKT 315 Consumer Behavior (3) An integrated framework for understanding consumer behavior from a marketing perspective. Course focuses on environmental issues, as well as consumer decision processes. Pre: C or better in MKT 310.

MKT 318 Internet Marketing (3) Marketing principles applied to Internet commerce. This course examines the tools and techniques currently used to harness the potential of the Internet. Internet marketing strategies that effectively blend the product, price, distribution channels and communication variables will be discussed along with the use of relationship marketing through on-line strategies. The preparation and use of an Internet marketing plan will be developed through case studies and/or student projects. Pre: C or better in MKT 310

MKT 319 Market Research (3) An overview of the marketing research process as part of an organization's decision support systems. Topics include research design, attitude measurement, along with data sources, collection and analysis. A research application component will emphasize the planning, execution, and analysis of a real-world marketing research project. Pre: MKT 310, and C or better in MATH 115 or QBA 260.

MKT 333 International Marketing (3) Focused on identifying and satisfying global customer needs better than the competition, both domestic and international, and coordinating marketing activities within the context of the global environment. Pre: C or better in MKT 310. (Attributes: GAHP)

MKT 351 Professional Selling (3) This course includes the principles of personal selling for both industrial and retail sales persons covering topics of prospecting, approaching, presenting, closing and follow-up. A major emphasis is placed on understanding the customer's needs and contributing to the success of the customer, with a focus on building long-term relationships based on trust. Pre: C or better in MKT 310.

MKT x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

MKT x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.