Japanese Studies Minor
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
Requirements (20-22 credits):
- LANG/JPST 200 Intro to Jpns & Chns Studies (3)
- JPNS/JPST 101 Elementary Japanese I (4) or JPNS/JPST 101S Elementary Japanese I, Special (3)
- JPNS/JPST 102 Elementary Japanese II (4) or JPNS/JPST 102S Elementary Japanese II Special (3) , or JPNS/JPST 107 Accelerated Element Japanese (8)
- JPNS/JPST 201-202 Intermediate Japanese I (4), Intermediate Japanese II (4)
- And three credits chosen from any Japan-related JPST courses. (3)
Interested students must see the Japanese Studies advisor during the first two years of language study.