Management (MGT) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

College of Business and Economics (COBE)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

MGT 300 Mgt, Orgs & Human Behavior (3) Survey of classical and modern management theory and practice. Management implications of organization theory. Basic concepts in work motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership, organizational change, conflict, personality, and leadership. Pre: C or better in QBA 260 or MATH 115; C or better in ENG 209 or 287 or 215 or 225 or COM 240/WI; and C or better in BUS 290 (may be taken concurrently).

MGT 330 Human Resource Mgt (3) The contemporary theory and practice relating to the management of human resources; recruiting, selection, psychological testing, interviewing, job evaluation, performance review, training and development, wage and salary administration, benefit and service programs, and labor-management relations. Pre: C or better in MGT 300.

MGT 332 Org Behavior & Manage (3) The human relations movement; basic concepts in behavior pertaining to organizations including personality, motivation, leadership, communication, change, conflict, and group dynamics. Course includes the relationship of these concepts to performance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Pre: C or better in MGT 300.

MGT 333 International Business Mgt (3) Provides a systematic introduction to international business management, drawing examples from Pacific Rim business and commerce. Course introduces multinational marketing and international aspects of personnel management, plus introductory material on international business financial transactions. Pre: C or better in ECON 130 (Attributes: DS, GAHP, HPP)

MGT 341 Project Management (3) This course focuses on the technical and social aspects of project management. The basic principles of project management will be introduced to prepare students for possible Project Management Institute (PMI) certification. Topics covered include contract proposal, project definition and planning, identification and sequencing of project deliverables, automated scheduling, resource planning, cost estimation and budgeting, risk analysis, project tracking, building a project team and strategic issues of project management. Students will be assigned to teams to complete a project. Pre: C or better in CS 201 or QBA 362

MGT 379 Hist Of Entrepreneurship in Am (3) The role of entrepreneurship in developing the American business system from its European origins to its current global manifestations and its future prospects. Focus on the values, characteristics, and practices of entrepreneurs and on the changing relations over time between business, labor and government. Pre: Admission to Professional Business Program. Pre: 45 college credits successfully completed.

MGT 423 Business & Society (3) Impact of business on society and the impact of the societal environment on business operations and decision making. Pre: C or better in BUS 240, and C or better in MGT 300.

MGT 425 Bus Planning for New Ventures (3) Development of a business plan for a new venture with attention to form of business organization; competitive advantage; accounting systems and controls; financial, marketing, human relations, operations and risk management; government regulation and compliance; social responsibility. Identification of sponsors and sources of help for small business. Pre: C or better in any 200-level ENG course; C or better in ECON 130 or BUS 110 or BUS 100; C or better in QBA 260 or MATH 115. (Attributes: ALEX, GCC)

MGT 490 Strategic Mgt (3) Integrative capstone course using concepts of strategy formulation, competitive analysis, and strategy implementation as models for problem solving and decision making in an organizational setting. Computer software applications are used to aid in comprehensive case analysis. Pre: 75 successfully-completed college credits; C or better BUS 290, MGT 300, QBA 300, MKT 310, and FIN 320.

MGT x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

MGT x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.