Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Department Chair: Misty Pacheco, DrPH



Associate Professors:

Assistant Professors:

The Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences (KES) program within the College of Arts and Sciences offers students the following degrees:

The KES program provides students with a diverse range of high quality instruction and opportunities within the areas of health, physical education, recreation, and the exercise sciences. Furthermore, activity courses provides individuals with exposure to a variety of physical activities and opportunities to enhance their overall well being. Lecture type courses provide introductory and advanced preparation for the fields of education, management and/or coaching, health promotion, and the exercise sciences with include sport psychology, athletic training, physical therapy and exercise physiology.

Goals for Student Learning in the Major

A student who completes the Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences degree program will be able to:

  • Participate in basic physical and recreational activities.
  • Identify the fundamental anatomical functions, the physiological mechanisms, and the biomechanical concepts involved with human movement and human performance.
  • Apply for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program with the desire to become a Secondary Health and Physical Education teacher.
  • Apply for acceptance into graduate school in the areas of the exercise sciences, health, medical school, physical therapy programs, and athletic training programs.
  • Able to provide care and expertise within the area of health.
  • Identify and understand the various health issues within our society, especially those encountered by elementary and secondary school students.
