Keʻelikōlani Hawaiian Language (KHAW) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
Built upon a core commitment to Hawaiian language and culture education, Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani provides courses that also address the broader world of indigenous peoples and the use of Hawaiian as an official medium of education for the State of Hawaiʻi. Courses are marked with an initial K (for Keʻelikōlani) followed by an appropriate alpha, e.g. HAW (Hawaiian), HWS (Hawaiian Studies), IND (Indigenous Studies), ANT (Anthropology), ED (Education), etc.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
KHAW 103 First Lvl Trans Hawn Immersion (4) Development of analytical skills to improve existing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the first level. Taught partially in Hawaiian from a Kumu Honua Mauli Ola philosophical base. This course is designed primarily for students with previous high school/beginning college level Hawaiian. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 104 First Lvl Partial Hawn Immers (4) Strengthens and increases analytical skills as well as listening, speaking, reading and writing skills from KHAW 103 or HAW 102 or 105. Taught primarily in Hawaiian from a Kumu Honua Mauli Ola philosophical base. Pre: KHAW 103, or HAW 102 or 105 or placement exam. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 108 Accel First Lvl Hawn Immersion (8) Contents of KHAW 103-104 covered in one semester. Development and strengthening of analytical skills to improve existing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills at the first level. Taught partially in Hawaiian from a Kumu Honua Mauli Ola philosophical base. This course is designed primarily for student with previous high school/ beginning college level Hawaiian. Meets two hours daily, Monday through Friday. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 133 First Lvl Hawn for Speakers (4) Focus on strengthening skills in language analysis, vocabulary development, and writing at a university level Hawaiian. This course is designed primarily for students educated through the medium of Hawaiian, first language speakers of Hawaiians and native speakers. Pre: Placement exam. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 190 Fluency Community Support (1) Fluency needed as a supporter of Hawaiian Revitalization. Stages/Subletters parallel units of structure and vocabulary topics in KHAW 103 & KHAW 104 as follows: (A) Na Pepeke Kumu; (E) Heluna, ʻAwe, Wa; (I) Nonoʻa, ʻOhana; (O) Kuanaʻike, Hoʻohalikelike; (U) Waeʻanona; (H) Alohuli (K) Pakuʻi Pepeke (M) Kalele, Kino ʻOkoʻa. May be repeated if subletters are different. Pre: Permission of the Department Chair.
KHAW 203 Second Lvl Univ Hawn Immers I (4) Second year skills in Hawaiian developed from KHAW 104 base or higher. Focus on accurate personal communicative use and connections to oral Hawaiian of earlier generations. Pre: C or better in KHAW 104, 108 or 133 or HAW 202 or 205 or placement exam or equivalent approved by dept chair. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 204 Second Lvl Univ Hawn Immers II (4) Continuation and expansion of KHAW 203. Pre: C or better in KHAW 203 or equivalent as approved by Dept chair. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 208 Accel Sec Lvl Univ Hawn Immers (8) Contents of KHAW 203 and 204 covered in one semester. Second year skills in Hawaiian developed from KHAW 104 base or higher. Focus on accurate personal communicative use and connections to oral Hawaiian of earlier generations. Meets 2 hours daily, Monday through Friday. Pre: C or higher in KHAW 104 or KHAW 108 or KHAW 133 or equivalent. (Attributes: DH, HPP)
KHAW 233 Second Level Hawn for Speakers (4) Continuation of HAW 133. Pre: B or better in HAW 133 or equivalent as approved by dept chair. (Attributes: DH, GL, HPP)
KHAW 303 Third Level Hawaiian I (4) Continuation of KHAW 204 and KHAW 208 and KHAW 233. Focus on analysis as the key to strong community use as a modeled in 19th and 20th century native speaker produced writings and tapes. Pre: C or better in KHAW 204 or KHAW 208 or KHAW 233 or equivalent as approved by dept chair.
KHAW 304 Third Level Hawaiian II (4) Continuation of KHAW 303. Leadership development of informal use of Hawaiian among students from HAW 104-303. Pre: C or better in KHAW 303 or equivalent as approved by department chair.
KHAW 333 Applied Skills (3) Practice skills developed in KHAW 304. Pre: Previous or simultaneous enrollment in KHAW 304.
KHAW 403 Fourth Level Hawaiian I (4) Continuation of KHAW 304. Advanced structures, expressions and patterns. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: C or better in KHAW 304 or permission of the instructor.
KHAW 404 Fourth Level Hawaiian II (4) Continuation of KHAW 403. Advanced structures, expressions and patterns. Conducted in Hawaiian. Language laboratory required. Pre: C or better in KHAW 403 or permission of the instructor.
KHAW 452 Translation into Hawaiian (3) This courses trains students to translate from English into Hawaiian. A wide range of materials is covered, from school texts to news items and legal materials. Pre: KHAW/HAW 404, which, with permission, may be taken concurrently.
KHAW 453 Hawn Phonetics & Phonol (3) Sound system of the Hawaiian language. Stylistic and regional variation. Interaction of the Hawaiian sound system with the sound system of other languages, especially that of English. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: KHAW 204 or equivalent, which, with permission, may be taken concurrently. Recommended: LING 102, LING 111, LING 311. (Attributes: GCC)
KHAW 454 Hawn Morphology & Syntax (3) Grammatical system of the Hawaiian language. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: KHAW 204 or equivalent, which, with permission, may be taken concurrently Recommended: LING 102.
KHAW 455 Hawaiian: Polynesian Lang (3) The similarities and differences among Polynesian languages and the reconstruction of their common ancestor language. The development of Hawaiian from that common ancestor. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: KHAW 303 or concurrent. Recommended: KHAW 453, KHAW 454, LING 371, LING 102.
KHAW 490 Base-level Fluency Hawn Med Ed (1) A review and strengthening of Hawaiian language fluency skills with focus on the applicability to Hawaiian medium education. Must be taken CR/NC. Conducted in Hawaiian. Pre: KHAW 303 or simultaneous enrollment.
KHAW x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
KHAW x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.