Health Sciences Research Certificate

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Coordinator Deborah Taira, ScD, Associate Professor

Program Description

This certificate is designed to give Pharm D students an introduction to basic research methods as well as experience completing a research project. Students will receive an introduction to research methodology in pharmacy, including clinical studies, analysis of existing data, program evaluation and big data designs. Students will also receive training in human subjects research and scientific writing. Topics for research projects will vary based on student interest, mentors, and available data. To earn the certificate, 6 semester credits of a P4 academic research rotation must be successfully completed.

Writing skills to be covered include:

  • Research abstract
  • Biosketch
  • Publishable paper
  • Survey questions for research

Program Mission

The goal is to make PharmD students more competitive for post-graduate residency programs, which are increasingly required for jobs in clinical and academic settings. This program benefits the current curriculum by aligning student coursework to support research activities in both academic departments.

Student Learning Objectives

  • Discuss different types of experimental/research designs
  • Describe advantages and disadvantages of each design
  • Display data in different ways to facilitate understanding of main points.
  • Interpret different types of graphs
  • Demonstrate knowledge of ethical and privacy issues in research by completing CITI training
  • Strengthen research-related writing skills through creation of a strong research abstract and poster presentation
  • Prepare for a potential research grant submission by completing an NIH biosketch
  • Discuss the pros and cons of survey research
  • Identify the main theoretical and procedural aspects of qualitative research
  • Define qualitative research
  • Use the language of qualitative research
  • Explore rationale for use of qualitative or naturalistic research methods in clinical, social, and behavioral settings
  • Define pharmacoepidemiology
  • Utilize existing data to examine an issue in pharmacoepidemiology
  • Examine how and why people access pharmacy services
  • Determine the best resources for finding cost information for medications
  • Measure patient outcomes resulting from pharmacy services or medication use
  • Conduct a program evaluation of pharmaceutical services or behavioral interventions

Program Prerequisite Requirements

  • Must have completed P1 (first year) in the PharmD program with a GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better to remain in the certificate program
  • Must not be on probation

Program Curriculum (19 Credits)

Core Courses for the Certificate: (10 Credits)

  • PHPP 530 Basic Research Methods (1)
  • PHPP 531 Survey, Epidem, Qual Methods (1)
  • PHPP 532 Pharmacy Research (1)
  • PHPS 599 Directed Studies (To Be Arranged)
  • PHPP 544 Adv Pharm Pract Exp: Elect I (6) or PHPP 545 Adv Pharm Prac Exp: Elect II (6)

Courses Taken by All PharmD Students: (9 Credits)

  • PHPS 503 Pharmaceutical Calculations (2)
  • PHPP 508 Intro to Biostatistics (2)
  • PHPP 514 Evidence-Based Medicine (3)
  • PHPP 524 Pharmacoeconomics (2)