Hawaiian Language Certificate

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Department Chair: Jason Iota Cabral, Ph.D.
Website: www.olelo.hawaii.edu/khuok/

The Certificate of Hawaiian Language is designed for those who have already had considerable university study in the Hawaiian language or are fluent speakers. The coursework increases the knowledge of Hawaiian and offers a broad perspective of the Hawaiian language and its revitalization.

Requirements (23 credits)

  1. Required Courses (7)

    • KHAW 204 Second Lvl Univ Hawn Immers II (4) or KHAW 233 Second Level Hawn for Speakers (4)
    • LING 102 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
  2. Electives (16)

    • 16 credits taken from those below or others approved by the Hawaiian Studies Department Chair with no less than 6 credits through Hawaiian:
      • KHAW/HAW 303-304 Third Level Hawaiian I (4), Third Level Hawaiian II (4)
      • KHAW/HAW 403-404 Fourth Level Hawaiian I (4), Fourth Level Hawaiian II (4)
      • KHAW/HAW 452 Translation into Hawaiian (3)
      • KHAW/HAW 453 Hawn Phonetics & Phonol (3)
      • KHAW/HAW 454 Hawn Morphology & Syntax (3)
      • KHAW/HAW 455 Hawaiian: Polynesian Lang (3)
      • KHAW/HAW 494 Special Topics in Subject Matter (To Be Arranged)
      • KHAW/HAW 499 Directed Studies (To Be Arranged)
      • KHWS/HWST 462 Haku Mele (3)
      • KHWS/HWST 463 Intro Hawn Narrative Lit (3)
      • KHWS/HWST 464 Hawaiian Composition (3)
      • KHWS/HWST 465 Ha'i'olelo Ku'una (3)
      • KIND 240 Culture Revitalization Movemnt (3)
      • LING 351 Method Foreign Lang Tchg (3)
      • LING 442 Languages in Hawaiʻi (3)

Note: Students pursuing a B.A. in Hawaiian Studies may also pursue the Certificate in Hawaiian Language provided they do not cross count KHAW/HAW 303-304 Third Level Hawaiian I (4), Third Level Hawaiian II (4) and KHAW/HAW 403-404 Fourth Level Hawaiian I (4), Fourth Level Hawaiian II (4) . The Certificate in Hawaiian Language may be pursued by Hawaiian Studies and other discipline majors and by those pursuing any other certificate or certificates at UH Hilo. Credits may be shared once or more than once between this certificate and other degrees and certificates on campus, but no more than 9 credits can be shared between the Certificate in Hawaiian Language and any single one of the following: the Hawaiian Studies B.A., the Certificate in Hawaiian Culture, the Certificate in Multidisciplinary Hawaiian Studies.