English as a Second Language (ESL) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

English Language Institute (ELI), Center for Community Engagement (CCE)

ELI courses, while carrying administrative credit, do not count toward graduation from UH Hilo. All courses listed below are ELI courses, except ESL 100 Composition/Nonnative Speakers (3) and ESL 100T Composition/Non-nativeTutorial (3) . For tuition and immigration purposes, the courses count as three semester credit hours each.

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

ESL 061 Listening & Speaking, Int (4) This course is designed for non-native English speakers to gain practice in listening comprehension, conversational skills, discussion skills, and understanding cultural differences. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 061 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment.

ESL 062 English Grammar, Intermediate (3) This course is designed for non-native English speakers to provide them with practice of the rules of noun and verb forms, connecting words and other forms as they are used in English writing and speaking. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 062 placement in the English Language Placement Assessment.

ESL 063 Academic Reading, Intermediate (4) This course is designed for non-native English speakers to prepare them for college-level academic reading with work in vocabulary, understanding complex sentence structures, reading strategies, and writing in relation to reading. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 063 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment.

ESL 064 Academic Writing, Intermediate (4) This course is designed for non-native English speakers to prepare them for academic writing with work in sentence structure and the development of paragraph skills in a range of rhetorical styles. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 064 placement on the Writing Placement Assessment.

ESL 071 Listening & Speaking, High Int (4) Designed for non-native English speakers to improve listening comprehension, thinking, and communicating ideas in English. Native-speaker lectures and speech practice accelerate the learning skills needed for college work. Focus is on taking effective and well-organized notes on high-intermediate level lectures, participating in discussions and giving both formal and informal presentations. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 071 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 061.

ESL 072 English Grammar, High Int (3) Designed for non-native English speakers to develop their grammatical accuracy in writing and speaking. Focus is on verb tenses, subject/verb agreement, passive voice, connectives; adjective, noun and adverb clauses; gerunds and infinitives, prepositions and using the conditional. This course does not count towards graduation at UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 072 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 062.

ESL 073 Academic Reading, High Int (4) Designed for non-native English speakers to build and strengthen academic reading skills. Focus is on building vocabulary, previewing and predicting, skimming and scanning, finding main ideas and details, annotating, articulating stated and inferred ideas, distinguishing between fact and opinion, summarizing and responding thoughtfully to academic texts. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 073 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 063.

ESL 074 Academic Writing, High Int (4) Introduction and practice in writing coherent, well-organized, well-developed paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays in a variety of rhetorical styles. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 074 placement on the Writing Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 064.

ESL 081 Listening & Speaking, Advanced (4) Designed for non-native English speakers to practice authentic listening comprehension and notetaking, use the information for discussions and debate, and give well-organized and clearly expressed formal and informal presentations, thinking, and communicating ideas in English requisite for college study. Authentic lectures and formal speech practice expose students to the language used and required in academic coursework. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry Requirement: ESL 081 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 071.

ESL 082 English Grammar, Advanced (3) (lecture/lab) Designed for non-native English speakers, this is an overview and practice of advanced grammatical structures that are used in university-level speaking and writing. Emphasis is on identifying grammar problems and developing editing skills for academic writing. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry Requirements: ESL 082 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 072.

ESL 083 Academic Reading, Advanced (4) Designed for non-native English speakers to develop an effective reading approach to university-level texts as well as the critical reading skills necessary to comprehend, analyze, conduct research, summarize, synthesize and respond thoughtfully in both writing and speaking to authentic texts. Emphasis on vocabulary development, finding main ideas and specific details, and drawing inferences. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 083 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 073.

ESL 084 Academic Writing, Advanced (4) Designed for non-native English speakers to practice writing expository essays, with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking skills, organization and support in argumentation. Attention is given to various stages of the writing process: generating ideas, drafting, peer review, and revision. Special emphasis and on identifying and editing of grammatical errors. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. Entry requirement: ESL 084 placement on the Writing Placement Assessment or successful completion of ESL 074.

ESL 085 American English Pronunciation (2) (other) Designed for non-native speakers to improve their Standard American English (SAE) pronunciation. Emphasis is on making speech intelligible. Students will focus on vowel and consonant sounds, word-, phrase-, and sentence-stress, intonation, and rhythm. During class, students will practice differentiating speech sounds in both listening and production. Outside of class, student will use technology to practice. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. No Prerequisites. Repeatable once for credit.

ESL 086 American Culture & Community (2) This multi-level course for non-native English speakers explores American culture through hands-on learning about topics such as treatment of the elderly, the environment, people with disabilities, addiction, homelessness, education, immigration and the treatment of animals. Topics will change each semester and a culminating project designed by students completes the course. Transportation to each on-site activity will be provided. This course does not count towards graduation from UH Hilo. CR/NC. Repeatable one time for credit. No prerequisites.

ESL 087 American Culture through Film (2) Please contact the department or division office for more information about this course.

ESL 100 Composition/Nonnative Speakers (3) Instruction in writing clear, effective university-level essays and research paper. Attention to all stages of the process: generating ideas, drafting, revising, and editing. Entry requirements: ESL 100 recommendation on the Writing Placement Examination and completion, exit by test, or concurrent enrollment in ESL 083. Once enrolled concurrently in ESL 100, a student may not drop the required ESL 083 class without dropping ESL 100 as well. (Attributes: FW)

ESL 100T Composition/Non-nativeTutorial (3) Instruction and practice in writing clear, effective university-level essays and research paper. Fulfills expository writing (ENG 100) requirement for non-native speakers of English only. Entry requirements: ESL 100T recommendation on Writing Placement Exam and completion, exit by test, or concurrent enrollment in ESL 083. Once enrolled concurrently in ESL 100T, a student may not drop the required ESL 083 class without dropping ESL 100T as well. (Attributes: FW)

ESL x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

ESL x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.