English Language Institute (ELI) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
ELI 125 Academic Reading Strategies 2 (4) Designed for multilingual learners to develop effective reading approaches to university-level texts as well as the critical reading skills necessary to comprehend, analyze, conduct research, summarize, synthesize and respond thoughtfully in both writing and speaking to authentic texts. Emphasis is on vocabulary development, finding main ideas and specific details, and drawing inferences. Pre: ELI 073 or ELI 125 placement on the English Language Placement Assessment. Previously offered as ESL 083.
ELI x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
ELI x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.