Education (ED) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
ED 110 Exploration in Education (3) (lecture/other) Introductory course for individuals considering careers as educators. Exploration of schools and educational community resources with a focus on teachers and effective teaching. Includes a practicum field experience component in schools. Pre: Instructor's Consent
ED 210 Introduction to Teaching (3) This course is an introduction to education with an emphasis on the following topics: the teaching profession, the analysis of reasons for entering teaching and factors that influence these reasons; the characteristics of the present teaching force; complexities of teaching; the current trends and issues in education; and the role of the school within the community. Student will be provided an opportunity for voluntary field experience totaling 10 hours. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, GCC)
ED 243 Intro to Math for Elem Tch (3) Introduction to Mathematics for Elementary Teachers is a hands-on, problem based course designed to help the elementary teacher develop a basic understanding of content area skills as well as process and thinking related to mathematical problem-solving, sets, numbers and operations, number theory, statistics and probability. This course lays a solid foundation for ED 343. (Attributes: GQ)
ED 310 Foundations of Education (3) Introduction to the practice of thinking and the development of intelligence within the complexities of a diverse and transforming society. Historic aspects of education are explored along with philosophical and political movements so students understand education's potential. Critical thinking skills are developed to help students think seriously about education as a potential career. Must be taken for grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing, or instructor's consent.
ED 314 Educational Technology (3) Introduction to the theory and application of multimedia educational technology principles in 21st century learning environments. Course is contextualized in project-based and place-based learning. Special emphasis on Hawaiian and Pan Pacific history and culture. Must be taken for a grade. Pre: junior standing or instructor's consent. (Attributes: GAHP)
ED 341 Literacy Dev in Elem School (4) This course is designed to provide participants with basic knowledge and skills which can be used to teach and assess reading and writing to foster literacy development in the elementary school. The content of this course emphasizes foundational knowledge of reading and writing processes (K-6). Field experience: Practical application of literacy theories, methods and strategies in local schools. Supervised observation and teaching with emphasis on reading and writing instruction. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing, or instructor's consent
ED 342 Science for Elem Schl Teachers (3) Science for Elementary teachers is a hands-on inquiry course designed to help the elementary teacher develop a basic understanding of the process and thinking that relate to scientific inquiry, habits of mind, safety and science and technology in society. In a supportive classroom environment, using place-based education as a model, teacher candidates will build scientific foundation through exploration of science concepts and processes. Must be taken for a grade. Pre: CS 100, GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or instructor's consent.
ED 343 Math for Elem School Teachers (3) Math for Elementary teachers is a hands-on, problem based course designed to help the Elementary teacher develop a basic understanding of the ten NCTM (National Council for Teachers of Mathematics) standards, including content area skills as well as process and thinking that relate to mathematic problem-solving, reasoning, connections, communication and representation. Content topics include fractions, algebraic reasoning, and geometry. It is assumed that students have a solid understanding of sets, numbers and operations, and number theory. Must be taken for letter grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or instructor's consent.
ED 344 Soc Studies for Elem Teachers (3) An inquiry based course designed to help the Elementary teacher develop a basic understanding of the ten Social Studies themes identified by the National Council of Teachers of Social Studies. Must be taken for a letter grade Pre: CS 100, GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or instructor's consent.
ED 346 Teaching Children's Literature (3) This course focuses on children's literature and its impact on social, emotional and intellectual development for elementary school children. Aesthetic appreciation and creative development will be explored by examining theory and practice about the use of literature with children. Must be taken for a grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or consent of instructor.
ED 347 Intgr Sci/Soc Stud Elem School (3) (lecture/lab) This course is designed to strengthen prospective elementary teacher content knowledge in science and social studies. Students will gain content knowledge by practicing various methods of teaching integrated science/social studies and develop authentic applications in real world situations. The fundamental science content topics covered will include: the inquiry process, physical, life, earth/space, and technology. The fundamental social studies content topics covered will include: geography, world history, UH history, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology and psychology. Teaching and learning of these content areas will center on place based education with the local environment as the integrating context. Required for admission into the MAT Program. Must be taken for grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or instructor's consent.
ED 350 Develpmntl Concpts Of Learng (3) Theories of development focusing on the integration of physical, social, emotional and cognitive development during the school-aged years, children (grades K-6) and adolescents (grades 7-12). Systematic observation and analysis of behavior of school-aged children at home, in the community and at school. Must be taken for grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing or instructor's consent.
ED 355 Sec ELA I:Lit as Exploration (3) What is the relationship between a story and each person who receives it? This course provides an introduction to literature as exploration and reader response theory. An experiential course, students explore how readers engage with story by examining their own reading experiences within a community of learners. Students will further reflect upon their own learning as they imagine how they may teach in the future. The course is designed for anyone who may be considering becoming teachers or would like to deepen their engagement in storytelling and the texts that they read. While the focus is on students interested in middle and high school language arts or the humanities, students thinking about teaching at any level or discipline are welcome.
ED 358 Intro to Adol Writing in Disc (3) This course focuses on exploring the writing skills of adolescents, defined as students in the 6th through 12th grade, and targets pre-MAT students who are interested in becoming secondary teachers. The course will introduce writing curriculum standards and explore instructional strategies that can be used to prepare students in grades 6-12 for writing in college and the workforce. Must be taken for grade. Pre: GPA of 2.5 and junior standing, or instructor's consent.
ED x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
ED x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.