Economics (ECON) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

College of Business and Economics (COBE)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

ECON 100 Intro To Economics (3) Economic principles for non-majors. Emphasis on the applications of theory to problem solving. (Not more than 3 credits may be granted for completion of both ECON 100 and ECON 150 at Hawaii Community College.) (Attributes: DS)

ECON 130 Intro To Microeconomics (3) How individual prices are determined. Efficient consumer-producer decision making. Pre: MATH 135 or MATH 125 or MATH 241 or higher (any one of which can be taken concurrently); or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DS)

ECON 131 Intro To Macroeconomics (3) The functioning of economic systems with emphasis on the forces determining levels of, and changes in, national income, employment and the price level. (Attributes: DS, GQ)

ECON 210 Intro To Global Economy (3) An introductory course for non-majors: fundamentals of supply and demand; international trade and finance; current global economic problems such as poverty, income distribution, and pollution; dynamics of economics and politics; economic cooperation.

ECON 300 Inter Macroecon Theory (3) Determination of income, employment, price levels; fiscal and monetary policies. Pre: ECON 131.

ECON 301 Inter Microecon Theory (3) Price determination under monopoly, oligopoly, and competition. Analysis of demand and cost. Pre: ECON 130, MATH 125 or MATH 241.

ECON 302 Managerial Economics (3) Application of economic and statistical concepts for business decisions. Subjects cover projection of demand and production, case analysis, problems of forecasting, multifactors and multiproducts, technological change: capital budgeting, input-output analysis, and programming techniques. Pre: ECON 130.

ECON 305 Hist Of Econ Thought (3) The ideas and theories of major contributors to economic thought since the mid-18th century. The development of economic thought and the interrelationships between the several branches of economic theory. Pre: ECON 130, 131.

ECON 310 Economic Development (3) Analysis of growth, structural change, development patterns, foreign investment, foreign trade, and development policies and strategies; emphasis on Far East and South Pacific Islands. Pre: ECON 130, 131. (Attributes: GAHP)

ECON 330 Hawaiian Economy (3) Analysis of the local and state economy in terms of structure, problems and issues as they relate to the U.S. mainland and international arena. Pre: ECON 130. (Attributes: GAHP, HPP)

ECON 340 Money & Banking (3) Relation of monetary system to price level, employment and income; nature and functions of money and banking; role of money in international trade and inflation. Pre: ECON 131. (Attributes: DS, GQ)

ECON 360 International Trade & Welfare (3) Theoretical analysis of international trade, current international economic problems, and trade impact on international welfare. Pre: ECON 130, 131 or instructor's consent.

ECON 361 International Finance (3) Balance of payments, foreign exchange rate policies, and their impact on domestic employment, inflation, internal and external balances, and other related topics. Pre: ECON 130, 131.

ECON 370 Government Finance (3) An explicit introduction to the behavior and objectives of government in the economic system. Analysis focuses on the rationale of nonmarket institutions and on the two groups of agents that operate government, the politicians and the bureaucrats, as these agents allocate expenditures for government activities.

ECON 390 Econometrics (3) Use of mathematical and statistical techniques to model and test the reality of economic theory, tests of hypotheses and forecasting. Pre: MATH 115 or QBA 260.

ECON 414 Global Topics in Game Theory (3) Game theory is a mathematical tool used in a variety of fields such as economics, political science, law, sociology, biology, and computer science. The purpose of this course is to introduce to game theory and to explore its applications. Topics include but not limited to, deterrence, crisis bargaining, people, war, and terrorism. Pre: ECON 130

ECON 415 SE Asia-China Econ Relations (3) Analysis of Southeast Asia-China economic relations. China's role in economic development of Southeast Asian nations, the bilateral economic relations between each of the Southeast Asian countries and China, the ASEAN-China multilateral relations and the importance of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement to the future of the region and the world. (Attributes: GAHP)

ECON 416 Asia-Pacific Econ Integration (3) Analysis of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. Trade agenda of the Asia-Pacific as a whole and the free trade perspectives of each sub-region and each country. The importance of the Asia-Pacific free trade area and prospects for linking the region with the rest of the world. Opportunity and strategies for the US' trade with the region. Pre: ECON 130 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: DS, HPP)

ECON 417 Health Economics (3) This course applies economic theory to examine the production of health. Issues such as asymmetric information, externalities, and indirect or third party payment are examined. The use of cost/benefit analysis, and reimbursement of expenses on healthcare organizations will be discussed. Pre: ECON 130

ECON 430 Quantitative Forecasting (3) Introductory level of forecasting for business and economics with an emphasis on Hilo and Hawaiʻi economies and businesses. Topics include time series techniques, linear regression forecasts, several miscellaneous forecasting models, and forecasting evaluation. Pre: QBA 260 or MATH 115 or instructor's consent.

ECON 482 Natural Resource Env Eco (3) An analytical framework for examining the relationships among environmental quality, natural resource use, and economic and political systems; analysis of circumstances that give rise to environmental problems, resource use conflicts, and possible policy solutions to these problems and conflicts. The course will emphasize issues pertaining to Hawaiʻi, especially sustainable development and climate change. This course is dual listed with CBES 682.

ECON x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

ECON x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.