Anthropology (ANTH) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
ANTH 112 Box Office Archaeology (3) This course is an introductory level film-based consideration of archaeology and archaeologists. Various films, ranging from the 1930s to the present, are viewed, discussed and critiqued. The foci of inquiry are on how archaeology is portrayed in visual media through time, and how media have affected archaeology, the human past and popular culture. The romanticized image of archaeology will be compared with scientific realities, specifically the nature of archaeological data, theory, field methods and analytical techniques.
ANTH 150 Humankind Emerging (3) Our 4-field approach toward integrating various aspects of the human condition includes 1) biological, 2) cultural, 3) linguistics, and 4) archaeological. We view the world using this dynamic introduction to anthropological methods, theories, ethics, and by analyzing past populations, our close primate relatives, language and communication, sexuality, spirits and the supernatural, and contemporary issues. We make this course relevant to you by examining gender and cultural diversity, the meaning of family, food sustainability, and globalization. (Attributes: FGC)
ANTH 200 Cult Of World: Regional Survey (3) The traditional cultures of various geographic areas of the world. Specific regions to be announced each semester: (b) Oceania, (c) East Asia, (d) South East Asia, (e) South Asia, (f) North America, (g) Africa, (h) South America, (i) Other. (May be repeated for credit if subletters are different) (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 205 Cultural Anthropology (3) The course will provide you with a multicultural perspective on the world, and deepen your understanding from a global perspective by highlighting cultural and gender diversity, kinship patterns, and economic and political systems. (Previously ANTH 100) (Attributes: FGB)
ANTH 210 Archaeology (3) Prehistoric archaeology; methods and techniques of excavation and analysis; brief survey of human's cultural growth in prehistoric times. Formerly offered as ANTH 110. (Attributes: DS)
ANTH 215 Human Evolution (3) The evolution of humans and their position among the primates. Human adaptation to the environment both in the past and present. Human variation and biomedical anthropology and explored. (Attributes: DS)
ANTH 221 Intro to Language (3) Linguistically oriented approaches to human behavior, including ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. The way language functions in culture, society, and the cognitive processes. (Same as LING 221)
ANTH 295 Pacific: Brown Bag Seminar Ser (1) (other) Weekly one hour seminars will cover a broad range of topics, current research and topical issues that are of relevance to contemporary ways of life in the Pacific. Seminars will also explore the application of Pacific Studies to the workforce. Credit is gained by weekly attendance and the submission of short summaries of the weekly seminars. (Same as GEOG 295).
ANTH 300 Cultures of Oceania (3) This course studies the societies of Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. It introduces students to the culture and people of these Pacific regions, the impact of contact with the West and the struggle to balance tradition and modernity in contemporary times. (ANTH 357, Change in the Pacific, concentrates more on contemporary social and political issues). (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 310 Contemp Iss in Hawaiian Anth (3) An examination of the social and political context in which Hawaiian archaeology is practiced. Topics include indigenous anthropology, descendant communities, critical theory, and the politics of the past. (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 315 Ecological Anthropology (3) Relationship of humans to their natural environment, particularly emphasizing the role of culture as a dynamic component in ecological systems. Pre: ANTH 150 or 215, or instructor's consent.
ANTH 320 Cross-Cultural Study Of Women (3) Comparative analysis of women's roles and women's lives in different societies. Topics include women's status, life stages, gender roles, images of women and power. (Same as WS 320) (Attributes: FGC)
ANTH 321 Morphology And Syntax (3) Introduction to grammatical analysis and theory; practical experience in solving problems in morphology and syntax, using data drawn from a wide variety of languages. Pre: LING 102 or consent of instructor. Recommended: LING 311. (Same as ENG 321, LING 321)
ANTH 323 Cultural & Social Change (3) Various approaches to cultural and social change in non-literate and modern societies; evolution, diffusion, acculturation, adaptation, revolution.
ANTH 324 Culture, Sex And Gender (3) A cross-cultural examination of the development of gender systems and gender roles. Consideration of sex roles and activities as part of the larger gender system. Pre: ANTH 150 or 205 or instructor's consent. (Same as WS 324) (Attributes: FGC)
ANTH 330 Peoples, Plants, and Culture (4) (lecture/lab) Ethnobotany, the study of the relationships between humans and plants, and archaeobotany, the study of past plant use, is considered from an anthropological perspective. The focus is on how plants fundamentally shape the human condition, how plants are integral to the structure of culture and society, and the important roles plants play in shaping and directing cultural change. (Same as AG 330, ENSC 330)
ANTH 331 Lang in Culture & Society (3) An examination of the articulation of language in social and cultural context, including topics relevant to sociolinguistics and ethnolinguistics. Pre: ANTH/LING 221 or LING 102 or consent of instructor. (Same as LING 331)
ANTH 347 Pidgins And Creoles (3) A study of the world's pidgins and creoles; the origin and nature of pidgins and creoles; the relationship of Hawaiian Creole English to other Creoles in the world; the link between the developments of a Creole and language acquisition. Recommended: LING 102 or 121. (Same as ENG 347, LING 347) (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 354 Filipino Culture (3) Introduction to peoples and cultures of the Philippines. Topics include cultural origins, linguistics and cultural diversity, values, social structure, and overseas Filipino adaptations. (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 356 Japan (3) Culture origins and development with emphasis on contemporary Japanese culture. (Same as JPST 356) (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 357 Change in The Pacific (3) Peoples of the Pacific Islands with emphasis on contemporary cultures and social and political problems. Pre: consent of instructor. (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 358 Japanese Immigrants (3) Examination of social and cultural adaptations of Japanese immigrant populations, with foci on Hawaiʻi and Brazil. Topics include the role of the Japanese government and emigration companies, the factors of generation, kinship, ethnicity, and contemporary Japanese migrants. (Same as JPST 358) (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 359 Cross-Cultural Cosmology (3) The anthropological approach to the study of religion asks the questions: What is religion cross-culturally and for particular societies? What behaviors and attitudes characterize religion in different culture areas? How can particular religions be related to societies that espouse them? Topics include indigenous and adopted religions of Hawaii, Japan and China.
ANTH 370 Hist of Anth Theory (3) Theory and method in anthropology; emphasis on cultural/social anthropology. Pre: ANTH 150 and junior or senior standing, or consent of instructor.
ANTH 372 Culture through Film (3) Critical examination of ethnographic films (documentaries that describe a culture). Film construction and film-maker's intentions. Development of approaches to ethnographic film-making. Cultural representation in film. Relationship of film to written ethnography. Pre: ANTH 150 or ANTH 205. (Attributes: FGC)
ANTH 373 Performance Across Cultures (3) This course explores the cultural expressions and traditions through the performance traditions from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, using the transhistorical approach. Under the themes of the body and culture, ritual, performing, cultural literacy and tourism and globalization, the course introduces students to the performance forms across cultures. (Same as JPNS/JPST 373) (Attributes: FGC)
ANTH 375 Human Biological Variation (3) Human genetic and physical variation; latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal variation across human variation. Pre: ANTH 250 or ANTH 215 or consent of instructor.
ANTH 380 Origins of Agriculture (3) This course is a seminar that reviews the history of thought and debate concerning the development of prehistoric agriculture and the processes of plant cultivation and domestication. Emphasized are recent interdisciplinary developments in ethnobotany and archaeobotany that allow detailed, complex scientific evidence to be considered.
ANTH 384 Primatology (3) Evolutionary approach to the nonhuman primates. Biological and behavioral adaptations of primates to their ecological setting. Implications of primate adaptations for understanding human biology and behavior. Pre: ANTH 215, or BIOL 172. (Same as BIOL 384, ENSC 384)
ANTH 385 Hawn & Pacific Prehistory (3) Archaeological overview of the cultures of the Pacific before European contact with an emphasis on Polynesia and Hawaiʻi. (Attributes: DS, GAHP, HPP)
ANTH 386 Hawaiian Culture Before 1819 (3) Hawaiian culture before the 1819 overthrow of the native Hawaiian religion: fishing and farming, political-economic organization and religion. Emphasis on early Hawaiian writers-Malo, Kamakau and 'I'i. Pre: ANTH 150 or ANTH 205 HWST 111 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 387 Modern Hawn Cult 1819-Present (3) Change and continuity in Hawaiian culture from 1819 to the present, in the context of interaction with non-Hawaiians. Major cultural transformations of the nineteenth century. Hawaiian culture in the early and later twentieth century. Pre: ANTH 150 or ANTH 205 or HWST 111 or instructor's consent. (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 388 Pots, Bottles, and Shipwrecks (3) Historical archaeology as an integral aspect of anthropological inquiry into culture-contact and culture change. Topics include research designs, field methods, laboratory methods, and generating "anthropological histories". North American historical archaeology is reviewed with an emphasis on the potential applications of historical archaeology in Oceania. Pre: ANTH 210.
ANTH 389 Cultural Resource Management (3) Covering issues pertaining to the identification, evaluation, and conservation of cultural resources, with an emphasis on archaeological sites. Central topics include the National Historic Preservation Act, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Hawaiʻi State legislation regarding cultural resources, and the implementation of these laws in Hawaiʻi by government and private organizations. (Attributes: DS, GCC, HPP)
ANTH 415 Medical Anth (3) Approaches to health, disease and medicine in both Western and non-Western cultures including ecological, evolutionary and anthropological perspectives. Pre: 9 credits in either anthropology or biology. (Attributes: DS)
ANTH 435 Indig Iss Contemporary Pacific (3) (other) A reading and research seminar under the supervision of faculty from Anthropology, Geography, and/or History on indigenous issues in contemporary Oceania. Topics include indigeneity, sovereignty, climate change and sea-level rise, militarism, and ethnic tensions and violence. Pre: Junior or Senior standing. (Same as GEOG 435, HIST 415) (Attributes: GAHP)
ANTH 445 Ethnographic Field Tech (3) Techniques of anthropological field research; ethnographic literature and work with informants. Pre: ANTH 150 or ANTH 205 or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit if topics are different, up to a maximum of six (6) credit hours.
ANTH 447 Marine Anth:Fishers in Oceania (3) (lecture/other) The anthropological study of fishing communities with a focus on Oceania; fishing practices and technology; common property resources; fisheries management options; recent problems in world fisheries including consequences for the human participants in a fishery. Students will also learn qualitative research techniques and participate in a local fieldwork exercise.
ANTH 450 Physical Anth Lab (4) Human biology of living and skeletal populations. Methods and techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis of human anatomical, physiological and biochemical variation under field conditions. Pre: ANTH 215 and consent of instructor.
ANTH 463 Global Health in Evol Perspect (3) Overview of global health issues from the perspective of evolutionary medicine. Topics include the co-evolution of humans and their pathogens; modernization and the health transition to chronic diseases. Pre: ANTH 150, ANTH 215, or consent of instructor.
ANTH 470 Museology (3) Museum training, including museum activities, exhibits, administration, custodial problems and interpretation. At least one field trip to Lyman House Museum. Pre: ANTH 150 or ANTH 210, or consent of instructor.
ANTH 481 Archaeometry (3) Covering a broad range of analytical techniques in archaeological research, emphasizing the relationships of archaeology to the natural sciences. Mini-sections of the course involve hands-on laboratory experience, covering geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, identification of raw materials and resources, and dating techniques.
ANTH 482 Archaeological Research Meth (4–6) Archaeological methods including research design and field methods such as survey, mapping and excavation, and laboratory methods. Normally taught as a summer session course. Credit varies depending on length of field projects (4-6 weeks, 8/hrs./day). Pre: ANTH 210 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit up to maximum of 12 credit hours.
ANTH 484 Stone Tool Analysis (3) (other) Analytical techniques related to stone artifacts (lithics) from archaeological sites, with an emphasis on lithic technology, or understanding the processes by which stone tools were manufactured, used, and eventually discarded. Identification of lithic "debitage" geochemical characterization, use-wear, and applications to Hawaiian flaked, pecked, and ground tools.
ANTH 485 Applied Anthropology (3) Anthropological methods, concepts, and theories as they apply to the solution of contemporary human problems. Exploration of the use of anthropology in various occupational areas. Pre: ANTH 150 and junior or senior standing, or consent of the instructor. (Attributes: ALEX, DS, GCC)
ANTH 490 Internship in Archaeology (3–6) Placement and experience in public, private, and/or government agencies involved in archaeological research plus completion of related research projects. Pre: ANTH 210 and instructor and department approval. May be repeated for credit if topics are different, up to a maximum of 12 credits. (Attributes: ALEX)
ANTH 492 Dynamic World of Anthropology (3) This course is a culminating experience of your anthropology education. You will strengthen your competence in the four subdisciplines of anthropology and hone your skills for future professional activities and personal development. Career opportunities related to various subfields, including cultural resource management, health care and forensics, are identified, in addition to opportunities in non-profits. Pre: Senior Standing or Instructor's Consent
ANTH 495 Proseminar (3) (other) Selected problems in current research: (b) archaeology, (c) linguistics, (d) social and cultural anthropology, (e) applied anthropology, (f) psychological anthropology, (g) physical anthropology, or (h) other areas of interest. Limited to anthropology majors or students with at least 9 semester hours of anthropology courses above 100-level. (May be repeated for credit if topics are different)
ANTH x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
ANTH x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.
Additional Courses
Also see the ANTH graduate-level courses.