Animal Science (ANSC) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM)
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
ANSC 141 Intro To An Science (3) Introductory material related to animal science and livestock production including topics such as terms, body parts, wholesale cuts, breeds, digestion, feeding, reproduction, industry, and livestock breeding.
ANSC 165 Animal Health (3) The fundamentals of animal health will be taught from the veterinary medical perspective. Topics addressed will include causes of disease, basic immunology, disease prevention, principles of drug therapy and examples of animal disease processes.
ANSC 175 Animal Behavior (3) Introduction to the basic principles and processes regarding domestic animal behavior including communication, social structure, sexual behavior, learning and common behavioral disorders. (Attributes: DB)
ANSC 185 Intro to Companion Animals (3) Introductions of common breeds of the dog and cat, proper physical examination, proper care and nutrition.
ANSC 223 Intro to Wildlife Science (3) (lecture/lab) Principles of managing wildlife populations and the interrelationships between wildlife and domestic livestock.
ANSC 254 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3) Comparative animal digestive systems and metabolism. Essential nutrients, their functions, mechanisms of action and interrelationships. (Same as BIOL 254). (Attributes: DB, GCC)
ANSC 321 Applied Animal Nutrition (3) (lecture/lab) Identification of common feedstuffs and their feeding value for animal production. Important concepts on feed processing, nutrient availability, diet formulation, and feeding management. The economics of feeding and purchasing feeds based on nutrient value. Pre: ANSC 141 and ANSC 254.
ANSC 342 Beef Cattle Production (3) (lecture/lab) Principles of efficient beef production including comparative breed evaluation, performance testing and selection, breeding, feeding management, health care, and marketing. Pre: ANSC 141 or instructor's consent.
ANSC 350 Anatomy/Physiol Of Farm Animal (3) (lecture/lab) Structure and function of the animal body. A general study of anatomy, but emphasis placed on understanding the physiology. (Same as BIOL 323)
ANSC 351 Swine Production (3) (lecture/lab) Principles of efficient pork production including breeds, crossbreeding, feeding, herd health, housing, management, selection and waste management. Pre: ANSC 141 or instructor's consent.
ANSC 353 Horse Production (3) (lecture/lab) Origin of species, breeds, feeding, lameness evaluation, reproductive considerations, and health issues of light horses. Limited enrollment. Pre: ANSC 141 or instructor's consent.
ANSC 355 Goat & Sheep Production (3) (lecture/lab) Principles of efficient goat and sheep production, including breeds, crossbreeding, feeding, fiber, herd health, management, reproduction and selection. Pre: ANSC 141 or instructor's consent.
ANSC 445 An Breeding/Genetics (3) (lecture/lab) Principles of Mendelian, population and quantitative genetics. Applications to improvement of livestock through selection methods and mating systems. Pre: ANSC 141. Recommended: MATH 115 or equivalent.
ANSC 450 Physiology Reproduction (3) (lecture/lab) Livestock reproductive anatomy and physiology. Pre: ANSC 141. Recommended: ANSC 350 (Same as BIOL 450)
ANSC 453 Anim Disease & Parasites (3) (lecture/lab) Principles and practices used for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and parasites in livestock. ANSC 453 and 454 do not have to be taken in sequential order. Pre: ANSC 141 or instructor's consent.
ANSC 454 Animal Diseases & Parasites II (3) (lecture/lab) Principles and practices used for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and parasites in livestock. ANSC 453 and 454 do not have to be taken in sequential order. Pre: ANSC 141 or consent of instructor.
ANSC 490 Animal Science Internship (3) (other) Practical animal experience (employed or voluntary) at farms, ranches, veterinary clinics, zoos and other animal operations. Pre: ANSC 141 and two of the following: ANSC 342, 351, 353 and 355 and permission of the instructor. (Attributes: ALEX, GCC)
ANSC x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
ANSC x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.