Administration of Justice (AJ) Courses
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.
AJ 101 Intro to Admin of Justice (3) This course focuses on history, philosophy, and language of the criminal justice system. The role of law enforcement, prosecutor, public defender, courts, and corrections is examined. Social aspects of change and how it affects the criminal justice system also explored. Pre: Placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 103 Criminal Investigations I (3) This is an introductory course in criminal investigations. The nature of investigations, fingerprint classification, the role of the laboratory, and specific offense investigation will be explored. The class will also discuss interview and interrogation and search and seizure techniques. Pre: Placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 104 CSI: Violent Crime Forensics (3) Advanced course work in forensic science (Legal Scientific Investigation), with its contributions to both Crime Scene Investigations and Laboratory Analysis. Specific field and laboratory investigative techniques in violent crimes and other major felonies will be explored. Pre: AJ 103. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 150 The Correctional Process (3) This course examines the history of punishment and corrections. The class discusses laws, records, inmate classification, treatment programs, disciplinary procedures and supervisory techniques. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 170 Intro to Private Security (3) This course surveys the concepts and issues in the administration of security. Defines public versus private security roles for retail business, industry, and governmental agencies. Provides an overview of the functions of various security activities. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 180 Intro to Homeland Security (3) An examination of the history of terrorism, focusing on the terrorists, who they are, and how they operate. Responses to domestic and international terrorism will be discussed along with analyzing future trends. Pre: AJ 101. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 208 Criminology (3) This course explores crime and the body of knowledge regarding it as a social phenomenon. An emphasis is placed on the analysis of crime, crime causation, crime variables, impact on society, and societal reactions to crime. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 210 Juvenile Justice (3) This course focuses on principles and procedures of arrest, detention, petition, summons, records, and adjudication of the juvenile offender. It introduces the organization and function of the police juvenile unit, community diversion practices and organization of the Family court. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 220 Constitutional Law (3) The U.S. Constitution is examined as a basis of arrest, search, seizure, interrogation, use of force and civil rights. U.S. Supreme Court cases and Hawaiʻi Court cases are examined to illustrate the court's interpretive process. Pre: AJ 101. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 221 Criminal Law (3) Studies history and philosophy of criminal law. Examines United States Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. Considers nature of law, legal institutions, criminal court procedures, and offenses against persons and property. Includes case briefs. Pre: AJ 101. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 233 Police Organization & Mgmt (3) This course studies the principles of organization and administration of policing. Overviews of operations and activities of various divisions, bureaus, training and selection procedures, planning, and research are discussed. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 234 Police and Community Relations (3) This course acquaints the student with the role of police in government and the critical importance of effective community relations. The dynamics of race relations and other current social problems that directly relate to the law enforcement community are explored. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 250 Practice/Proced in Corrections (3) This course will provide students with the basic training skills necessary to enhance their opportunities to secure a job in the high demand field of corrections. The course will focus on such areas as the history and philosophy of corrections, the role of the correctional officer, legal aspects of corrections, communication and writing skills, as well as basic security procedures. Pre: AJ 101 and AJ 150. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 256 Domest Violence & Child Abuse (3) This course focuses on domestic violence and child abuse. The cycle of violence, causes, effects and symptoms of child abuse will be explored. Legal, public policy, criminal justice, health and social services responses and interventions to family, child and intimate partner abuse will be examined. Pre: placement in ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 280 Current Issues (3) Examination of recent textual materials, government reports, and problems within the criminal justice system and how it affects change within American society and the world. Includes preparation of a formal research essay. Pre: AJ 101 and ENG 100. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 285 Narcotics & Organized Crime (3) The identification of narcotics and dangerous drugs, their manufacture and distribution, effects on society, applicable Federal and state laws. Vice and organized crime investigations, applicable laws, effects on individuals and society. Pre: ENG 100/100T, ESL 100/100T, or concurrent enrollment. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 290B AJ Practicum I (3–6) With the cooperation of public and nonprofit agencies in the community, advanced students are placed in responsible positions where they earn credits for work performed. Pre: AJ 101 and AJ 210 or AJ 256. Coreq: AJ 280 or prior completion. For ADJ Majors only. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 290C AJ Practicum II (3–6) With the cooperation of public and nonprofit agencies in the community, advanced students are placed in responsible positions where they earn credits for work performed. Pre: AJ 290B. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 290D AJ Practicum III (3–6) With the cooperation of public and nonprofit agencies in the community, advanced students are placed in responsible positions where they earn credits for work performed. Pre: AJ 290C. Offered in conjunction with Hawaiʻi Community College.
AJ 291 Basic Recruit Training (6–12) (other) A student majoring in Administration of Justice (ADJ) may receive up to 12 credits for completing Basic Recruit Training in law enforcement, as required by governmental agencies: Minimum of 250 hours training: 6 credits; Minimum of 500 hours training: 9 credits; Minimum of 900 hours training: 12 credits.
AJ 322 Criminal Justice (3) An examination of the criminal justice system, its structure and its function, with emphasis on the rights of the accused as exemplified in appellate court decisions. Pre: POLS 220 or instructor's consent. (Same as POLS 322)
AJ 323 Criminal Law and Procedure (3) This course addresses the basics of criminal law and procedure. Topics will include the fundamental principles of criminal law and procedure, how they were established, and how they are commonly practiced. Pre: POLS 220 (Same as POLS 323)
AJ 380 Research Methodology for AJ (3) The logic and techniques of social research as applicable to the field of Administration of Justice. Basic topics and techniques of social research methodology reviewed with an especial emphasis on applied research as suited to the Administration of Justice practice and policy making. Planning and conduct of research to be covered as well as the criteria for evaluating existing research for establishing policies and best practices. Pre: AJ 101
AJ 391 Internship (3–12) (other) Application of knowledge and skills in a public, private, or government agency/setting. Pre: Instructors consent, pre approved placement, statement of learning objectives, and completed internship contract.
AJ 470 Seminar in Admin of Justice (3) Selected topics in administration of justice. Topics vary from semester to semester as announced. Pre: AJ 101
AJ x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.
AJ x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.