Agriculture (AG) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

AG 100 Intro to Agricultural Sciences (3) Introduction to diverse disciplines of agricultural sciences, industry, and contemporary issues in agriculture. (Attributes: FGB)

AG 101 Mathematics for Agriculture (4) (lecture/lab) This course is designed to augment mathematics skills necessary to compete in today's business and agriculture environments. Typical applications are chemical rate conversions, solutions and mixtures, elementary algebra and financial topics. The aim is to teach students how to solve actual mathematical problems encountered in the day-to-day operation of agricultural/horticultural/ environmental operations.

AG 200 Agro-Environmental Science Com (3) This writing intensive and communications course will consist of short lectures to demonstrate types of scientific writing and speaking by comparison of types of writing, presentations by invited speakers to demonstrate different speaking styles, and library and online research to develop a coherent, well-written scientific review consisting of a short, five page paper to be handed in and presented in class using Power Point.

AG 205 Value Added Ag Products (3) (lecture/lab) Principles and practices of processing and developing agricultural based products.

AG 215 Agro-Environmental Chemistry (3) (lecture/lab) A study of chemical phenomena and the impact of chemistry on modern agriculture, the environment, and our daily lives. Includes basic discussions of agricultural chemicals; terrestrial, atmospheric, and aquatic pollution; pollutants transport; waste disposal and recycling; global warming; ozone depletion; toxicology; energy sources; acids and bases; nuclear chemistry. Pre: college algebra or consent of instructor.

AG 230 Sustainable Agriculture (3) (other) Evaluation of conventional and alternative farming methods in the U.S., Polynesia, Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America from a long-term perspective. Analysis of the effects of those practices on environmental quality, agrosystems, and food security. Consideration of conflicting values and resolution. (Attributes: ALEX, FGB)

AG 263 Composting and Vermicomposting (3) (lecture/lab) Composting and Vermicomposting will tackle current regulations, basic principles and theories, best management practices of organic wastes handling and practical applications of composts and vermicomposts as soil amendments and agricultural input.

AG 290 Stud Mgt Farm Enterp Prj (1–3) Selection, planning, and completion of a production/ management/marketing project under faculty supervision. Project participation is voluntary and subject to approval. Students must maintain complete production and financial records. (Repeatable)

AG 291 Directed Work Experience Pgm (3) (other) Agricultural practice in individual and team projects on independent farms or agricultural employment under supervision and direction during summer vacation or on a part-time basis during regular school period. Permission of instructor required. Only for CAFNRM students and offered only on a CR/NC basis. Credits earned not included in maximum allowed.

AG 304 Applied Microbiology (3) An overview of the production aspects of microbiology, including fermentation biology, mushroom cultivation, and biotechnology. Pre: BIOL 171 or instructor consent.

AG 312 Ag Geog/World Food Prob (3) Different types of agriculture, their location, and the cultural and environmental constraints operating to produce the resultant patterns. World food and hunger. Pre: one introductory Geography course. (Same as GEOG 312).

AG 330 Peoples, Plants, and Culture (4) (lecture/lab) Ethnobotany, the study of the relationships between humans and plants, and archaeobotany, the study of past plant use, is considered from an anthropological perspective. The focus is on how plants fundamentally shape the human condition, how plants are integral to the structure of culture and society, and the important roles plants play in shaping and directing cultural change. (Same as ANTH 330, ENSC 330)

AG 375 Intro To Genetic Analysis (3) An introduction to the principles and methods of genetic studies. The principles are first covered, especially with regard to crop improvement. This is followed by an overview of the structure and function of DNA and RNA, and an introduction to the tools and applications of molecular biology. Pre: BIOL 171

AG 403 Agricultural Biotechnology (3) This course is an overview of modern agricultural biotechnology with an emphasis on contemporary case studies. It is geared toward students, teachers, and extension personnel with an interest in this field. Thus, it will include instructional methods and alignment to state DOE standards. A firm grasp of biology and some understanding of genetics is assumed. Pre: BIOL 171 or instructor consent.

AG 405 Plant Biotechnology (3) This course will provide basic information about plant biotechnology, with examples of its uses. Topics will include overviews of plant gene and genome analysis, transgenic technology, and bioinformatics, with an emphasis on crop improvement. Pre: at least one Biology course.

AG 496 Senior Seminar in Agriculture (1) Guided research into current problems. Topics may vary according to interest of students and instructor. CR/NC only.

AG x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

AG x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.