Academic Expectations and Responsibilities

This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Develop an academic plan.

Outline your educational goals and objectives, keeping in mind the requirements of your planned degree. Use this to construct a realistic academic plan. In deciding on courses and academic load, carefully consider your level of preparation, as well as any extracurricular commitments and responsibilities.

Read and understand the syllabus for each course you are enrolled in.

The syllabus is more than a listing of course times and material. It also outlines what an engaged and responsible student can expect to learn; describes examination, grading, and student conduct policies; outlines the permitted use of electronic devices; and informs students how they may contact their professor for additional guidance.

Develop your own set of study skills, and use them regularly.

Learn what study techniques work for you personally. Plan adequate time for studying class material (a useful estimate is at least 3 hours of extracurricular work per lecture hour). Set aside extra time to complete big assignments, such as term papers or presentations. Expect to have material covered at a much faster pace than in high school. Additionally, expect that the pace and difficulty of material will increase as a student progresses from 100-level to 400-level courses.

Come to class prepared.

As a student, it is your responsibility to come prepared to each and every class. This includes completing reading, problem-solving or other assignments prior to the lecture. This also means coming to class mentally prepared, being awake and attentive, and taking useful notes.

Take full advantage of available academic resources.

Attend office hours regularly and get to know your instructors. Frequently visit the Edwin H. Mookini Library and become familiar with all library services and resources such as reserve materials, article databases, and the extensive book collections (both print and e-books). Be aware of your academic performance throughout the semester, and should you need additional help, advising and tutoring services are available.

Participate in your own education.

Become engaged in your own education. It is your responsibility to ask questions when you don’t fully understand course material, and to seek additional help if needed.

Adhere to the UH Hilo Student Conduct Code.

You have a responsibility to familiarize yourself with and adhere to the tenets of the UH Hilo Student Conduct Code. Violations of the Code (e.g. academic dishonesty, disruptive behavior, personal threats) are subject to disciplinary procedures that may include expulsion from the University.

Keep a healthy mind and body.

Excessive stress, fatigue, or unhealthful habits can interfere with your academic success. Be aware of your mental and physical state and how it impacts your performance in class. Counseling services are available, and take advantage of these services in a proactive manner should you be experiencing personal or academic difficulties.