Directed Reading and Directed Studies
A Directed Reading or Research Course requires the sponsorship of a member of the faculty and approval of the Chair of the appropriate academic discipline, and a description of the work to be undertaken, which, in turn, requires planning in advance of the registration period. Sufficient time, therefore, must be allowed for such planning and for obtaining the necessary faculty approvals.
While a Directed Reading or Research Course project normally is student-initiated, early interaction with faculty is essential in the development of a mutually acceptable project description. At a minimum, such a description should contain an outline of the study topic, specification of the work to be done and the materials to be read, the credit to be given, the type and frequency of faculty-student contact, and a statement of the evaluative criteria to be used by the faculty member.
A student may register for not more than six semester hours of Directed Reading or Research Course per semester with not more than three semester hours granted for any single such course. Not more than twelve credits received from Directed Reading or Research Course courses may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree.
A course taken as a Directed Reading or Research Course may count in lieu of another program requirement if indicated at the time of form submission and approved by the appropriate individuals. The course being used in lieu of a requirement does not override any pre-requisites set on a course and is used for graduation purposes only. The Directed Reading or Research Course form is available in division and college offices or may be downloaded at Office of the Registrar's forms.
Once completed and signed, the original Directed Reading or Research Course form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing. The Office of the Registrar will review the form and register the student in the Directed Reading or Research Course as long as there are no other registration restrictions (student holds preventing registration, student is at maximum credit amount for semester and needs Student Overload form approval, etc.). If there is any restriction preventing the Office of the Registrar from registering the student into the Directed Reading or Research Course, the form will be sent back to the student via their email and the student will be responsible to send the form back to the Office of the Registrar once all registration restrictions are removed or resolved.
The Directed Reading or Research Course form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day to add a class which is listed on the Academic Calendar. Students must also complete a Change of Registration form and obtain the appropriate signatures along with paying the processing fee should they wish to register for a Directed Reading or Research Course after the last day to add a class. Please be aware that the Change of Registration form is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and approval is subject to the Instructor and College Dean of the course.