B.A. in English Requirements
Group 1. General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural, and Integrative Requirements in effect Fall 2018
Students may choose to graduate under the General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural and Integrative requirements and graduation requirements in force at the time they entered the UH System, when they entered UH Hilo, or when they graduate, provided there is no break in enrollment.
Students should meet with their academic advisor to ensure that they enroll in courses that will enable them to meet these requirements as well as requirements for the major and for graduation. Some courses may meet both General Education requirements and major requirements.
The new GE foundations, diversification, structural and integrative requirements and lists of certified courses are posted on the General Education website.
Group 2. Major Requirements (36 credits)
Please note any course pre-requisites
1. Core Requirements (18 credits)
- ENG 200 Intro to Literary Genres (3) (One of A-G)
- ENG 2xx (3) (Excluding ENG 209 and ENG 225)
- ENG 300 Intro to Literary Studies (3)
- ENG 323 The Literature of Hawaiʻi (3)
- One of the Following Courses:
- ENG 304 Survey of British Lit I (3)
- ENG 305 Survey of British Lit II (3)
- ENG 461 Shakespeare (3)
- One of the Following Courses:
- ENG 351 Amer Lit: to the Civil War (3)
- ENG 352 Amer Lit: Civil War-Pres (3)
- ENG 419 Adv Topics in American Lit (3)
2. English Electives (18 credits)
- Choose 6 additional ENG courses at the 300- or 400-level.
Total Semester Hours Required for the B.A. in English
120 credits required.
- Students must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in courses required for the major.
- Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all courses required for the major.
- To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, students must fulfill the requirements both of the major and of the University’s General Education program. (Please see the Baccalaureate Degree Requirements in this Catalog.)
- Students wishing to make timely progress toward graduation are urged to pay careful attention to all degree requirements.
- In addition, when planning a schedule of courses, it is imperative to be aware of course prerequisites and the frequency with which courses are offered. This information is available in the course listings in this Catalog.
- To ensure progress toward degree completion, students are urged to meet with an advisor each semester before registering.