Agriculture: Animal Health and Management Specialty

Contact: Lissa Tsutsumi, Ph.D.

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Tel: (808) 932-7691

This track of study provides students with a variety of animal science courses related to health and management. In the final years of study, students will take courses aimed at making them qualified for their next academic or professional endeavors. For those who aspire to work on farms, ranches or in the livestock industry, additional agriculture business, general agriculture, and agricultural mechanics will be provided as curriculum options. These courses will prepare students for employment opportunities with farms, dairies, ranches, equestrian centers, experiment stations, quarantine stations, veterinary clinics and zoos. For those who aspire to apply to professional school (veterinary medicine) or a graduate program (M.S. or Ph.D.), curriculum options include courses that are pre-requisites for major veterinary schools such as additional biology and chemistry courses.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will achieve a working knowledge of biology, chemistry, and mathematics as a foundation for further studies.
  2. Students will achieve a basic understanding in the different animal science disciplines and be able to apply this knowledge to effectively manage and care for livestock.
  3. Students will have experiential learning opportunities with farm animals through routine hands-on laboratories held at the UH Hilo Agricultural Farm Laboratory. When available, field trips to local farms and ranches will also provide learning opportunities with farm animals. Students will gain hands-on experience with livestock to help enhance their competitiveness in future studies and careers.
  4. Students will use and refine their communication skills in various classes.
  5. Students will develop and apply their computer skills to agricultural examples.
