Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Courses

College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM)

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AGEC 201 Agri Economics (3) Introduction to agriculture and resource economics and agri-business with application to Hawaiian agriculture (Micro-economics).

AGEC 221 Ag Acct/Recd Analysis (3) (lecture/lab) Introduces accounting theory and methods used to record and report financial information for both the business and farm firm. Other topics include business organization, inventories, receivables and payables, depreciation, and computer applications.

AGEC 322 Marketing Ag Products (3) Acquaints the student with the economic organization and operation of the food and fiber section of the U.S. and Hawaiian economy. In two general parts, one provides a treatment of agricultural price analysis; the second examines the marketing system for agricultural inputs, farm products, and processing and distribution activities with emphasis on cooperative marketing. Field trips to cooperative and other marketing firms. Future trading. Pre: introductory course in economics or agricultural economics.

AGEC 330 Farm Management (3) (lecture/lab) Acquaints the student with both theoretical and applied aspects of farm management. Topics include farm planning, managerial control, and acquiring and managing resources. Emphasis on Hawaiian farming systems. Stress on cost of production and cash flow budgets, capital investment, and linear programming. Computer applications.

AGEC 360 Tropical Bioeconomy (3) Introduction to core concepts and technologies of bioeconomy applications in the tropics with comparisons to temperate regions. Emphasis will be placed on the prospects of tropical plant biomass and algae to serve as renewable raw materials for a sustainable economy.

AGEC 380 Environ Pol & Mgt Hawn Nat Res (3) Provides the student with an understanding of economic growth, resource scarcity and policy, environmental degradation, economic policy, property right and income distribution, institutional framework, benefit cost analysis and application of natural resource management in Hawaiʻi.

AGEC x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

AGEC x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.