RISO Advisor

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Welcome RISO Advisors!

Thank you so much for your interest in being a RISO Advisor here at UH Hilo. This page was created to help you find information quickly and for RISOs to better articulate the responsibilities that go along with being a RISO Advisor. If you should have any questions please feel free to reach out to the UH Hilo RISO Coordinator at uhhriso@hawaii.edu.

The Purpose of Advisors

  • The Advisor(s) serves in a voluntary capacity to the RISO and provides guidance, direction, advice and continuity to both the members and officers of the organization.
  • A RISO is required to have an Advisor(s) who must be a UH Hilo faculty or staff. Unless your organization falls under the exception provided on page four of the RISO handbook.
  • An Advisor(s) approves and submits campus paperwork regarding UH Hilo services.

Advisor(s)’s Responsibilities

It is important that Advisor(s) understand the responsibilities involved before making a commitment to the RISO that they plan on advising. Those responsibilities include:

  • Agree that RISOs are independent of the University of Hawaiʻi.
  • Attend all official RISO functions, including meetings and events, on or off campus, for the duration of each.
  • Assist and advise the students in planning, implementing and evaluating programs and activities consistent with its purpose.
  • Serve as a resource during meetings, events, fundraisers or any other RISO activity.
  • Assist with the development, training and orientation of new club members.
  • Assist the officers in maintaining accurate records of finances, programs and activities in order to promote organizational documentation and efficiency.
  • Assist with the formulation and/or revision of the RISO’s Constitution and By-Laws, and ensure that members abide by their own Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Ensure that the RISO is keeping all documentation with the CCS coordinator up to date.
  • Ensure that the RISO is not violating any UH Hilo, University of Hawai’i, County, State or Federal Laws.


Must serve as an Advisor(s) on a voluntary basis. As a faculty or staff member, an Advisor(s) is considered “responsible employees” of UH Hilo and is obligated to immediately report any possible crimes to the Campus Security Office. Advisor(s) will be responsible to report any possible Title IX violations to UH Hilo Title IX Coordinator. Please see the UH Hilo Title IX reporting website at https://hilo.hawaii.edu/titleIX/report-violation.php

The responsibilities of the RISO to the Advisor(s)

  • Officers must notify the Advisor(s) of all meetings, fundraisers and events & activities.
  • Consult Advisor(s) in the planning of the projects, fundraisers and events & activities.
  • Consult Advisor(s) before any changes are made in the structure of the group, in the policies of the organization, in the Constitution and By-Laws and before major projects are undertaken.
  • Allow the Advisor(s) speaking privileges although the advisor is not allowed a vote.
  • Be aware that the success of the organization and its events rest on the members of the organization itself, not the Advisor(s).
  • Discuss concerns and issues with the Advisor(s), before they become conflicts.
  • Acknowledge the Advisor(s)’s time and energy are donated and express appreciation.
  • Be clear and open about expectations of the Advisor(s) and periodically evaluate their contributions.


RISO Advisor Agreement Form

Are you interested in being an advisor and want to be connected to a RISO? Please fill out the RISO Advisor Application so that we can hold your information and help connect you once we have a RISO available.

Are you a RISO in need of an advisor? Please fill out the RISO Advisor Waiting List form so that we can help you connect with a potential advisor.

RISO Advisor Training

2023-2024 RISO Orientation and Quiz.

Title IX Training- Once completed please email your certificate to uhhriso@hawaii.edu as proof of completion.