Volume 3 (2005)
Download the Hohonu Volume 3 (PDF ).
What’s in this journal?
- Nairobi National Park: A Viable Conservation Area? by Teresa Stanonik (PDF )
- The Hope of The Hobbit: Tolkien's Rejection and Criticism of Modernism by Marilee Clement (PDF )
- Preserving a Nations Own Culture by Hyesun Kang (PDF )
- Robotic Rebellion by Jarmilla Ruzicka (PDF )
- Hula Hips, Puckered Lips, and Oppression by Raenette Marino (PDF )
- The Debate on Zionism and Racism by Shari Tresky (PDF )
- Alternatives to Hawaiʻi County Youth Drug Prevention Programs by Hannah and Joseph Stender (PDF )
- The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: No place for oil development by Collin Daughtery (PDF )
- The Psychology of Color by Kalyan V. Meola (PDF )
- Hopkins' "God's Grandeur" by Rebecca Marsh (PDF )
- Critical Analysis of Maasai Manyattas as Ecotourism Enterprises by Teresa Stanonik (PDF )
- Money, Weapons and Advice: How and Why Early Advising in Vietnam Ultimately Failed by Ileana Neves (PDF )
- The Outlaws of Medieval England by Danielle Coyle (PDF )
- The effects of native canopy tree cover on Fountain grass1 (Pennisetum setaceum) biomass in North Kona by D. Kai'ena Bishaw II (PDF )
- Why The First Stanza of We Are Seven? by Jarmilla Ruzicka (PDF )
- Commas: the biggest Little Quirks in the English Language by Andy Gramlich (PDF )