Volume 14 (2016)
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What’s in this journal?
- Marine Debris Accumulation on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi By Victor Ciaramitaro (PDF )
- Not a Step Back By Leanne Crain (PDF )
- Lucia Greenberg: In Depth Analysis By Sadie Dossett (PDF )
- The One Who Changed: An Analysis of “A & P” and Sammy's Epiphany By Sadie Dossett (PDF )
- In the Company of Thorin Oakenshield: A Baggins’ Styled Femininity and Acquired Masculinity in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey By Asia Howe (PDF )
- From Oppression to Nationalism: The Irish Penal Laws of 1695 By Samantha Howell (PDF )
- Remote Sensing: Applications in Paleontology By Erin Jean (PDF )
- Rob Roy’s Contribution to Contemporary Understandings of British National Identity By Cecilia Johansson (PDF )
- Jewish Oral Tradition: A Look At Human Rights Literature About The Holocaust By Hannah Lipman (PDF )
- Let’s Be Neighbors By Valentina Martinez (PDF )
- Being Native American in a Stereotypical and Appropriated North America By Ariel Moniz (PDF )
- The Voice of a Culture: Folktales in Russia By Ariel Moniz (PDF )
- The Other: Orientalism in Frankenstein By Terri Pinyerd (PDF )
- The Symbolism in Suffering: Art and the Holocaust By Terri Pinyerd (PDF )
- The Effects of Acidified Water on The Olympia Oyster Ostrea lurida By Jeremiah Storie (PDF )
- A Grimm Evolution By Kylee Sullivan (PDF )
- Gilded Freedom: U. S. Government Exclusion of Chinese Migrants, 1882 By Robert Villanueva (PDF )
- The Positive Impacts of Fairy Tales for Childre By Leilani VisikoKnox-Johnson (PDF )
- Sea Turtle Energetics By Christina Wine (PDF )