Volume 11 (2013)
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What’s in this journal?
- Investigating Rate of Star Formation and Abundance in the Star-Forming Region SDSS 1803231-01000248 by Andrew McNichols (PDF )
- Thrifty Genes: From Cold and Prolonged Starvation Adaptation to Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in Polynesians by Simote Foliaki (PDF )
- Easy as ABC: Should Preliterate Societies be Given Orthographies? by Evelyn Moos (PDF )
- Nā ‘Ono A Ka ‘Ai Kauoha A Nā Kūpuna by Tifeni Kanoe Elvenia (PDF )
- Exploitation of Polynesian Spiritual Imagery in the Toy Industry by Wainohia Lum-ho (PDF )
- Gender Ego: Comparative Models of Transgender Identity Acquisition by Alexander Stitt (PDF )
- Language Policy and Education in Multilingual South Africa by Rachel Hazeltine (PDF )
- The Beauty of the Beast: The Seductive Role of Beast Characters in Contemporary Fairy Tales by Amanda Orcutt (PDF )
- What Price, the Soul?: Examining Consumerism Through Plato, Artistotle, and the Stoics by Benjamin Browning (PDF )
- Germany’s Rocket Development in World War II by Martin Hodapp (PDF )
- Evolution of Staphylococcus aureus Following the Introduction of Antibiotic Therapy by James Ziegler (PDF )
- The Discourse of Keeping Hydraulic Fracturing out of Legislation by Evelyn Moos (PDF )
- Do Ya Understan’ What I’m Sayin’?: An Examination of Alice Walker and Sapphire’s Use of Ebonics by Kellie Wilson (PDF )
- Kauna Mai Ana Iaʻu Ke Moe by Tifeni Kanoe Elvenia (PDF )
- The War Won with Words, and the Country Rebuilt by Them by Corey Patton (PDF )
- Disclosure: A Guide for Sexually Open Counselors by Alexander Stitt (PDF )
- Philosophical Skepticism: Taking Knowledge Out of Context by Benjamin Browning (PDF )
- The Shadow in the Contemporary Fairy Tale by Robin Belcher (PDF )
- Sacagawea: The Name That Says It All by Sarah Kekauoha (PDF )
- Did the West Define the Modern World? by Evelyn Moos (PDF )
- Changing Roles of Japanese Poetry in Medieval Society by Rachel Hazeltine (PDF )
- Drawing Poison from the Inkwell: The Ethical Implication of Fairy Tales by Corey Patton (PDF )