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State House Representatives visit UH Hilo, tour campus and farm

Group walks on campus led by Chancellor Irwin and VC Rapoza.
On UH Hilo campus Dec. 3, from left, Jeanne Kapela, Stephanie Kim, Chris Todd, Kalbert Young, Lisa Kitagawa, with Bonnie Irwin and Kalei Rapoza leading the campus tour. (Photo: University Relations/UH Hilo)

Chancellor Bonnie Irwin and Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs Kalei Rapoza hosted three state legislators on the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo campus Dec. 3, 2024.

The delegation included State House Representatives Lisa Kitagawa, Chris Todd, and Jeanné Kapela. Also with the group was University of Hawaiʻi System Vice President for Budget and Finance Kalbert Young, and UH Director of Government Relations Stephanie Kim.

Rep. Kitagawa is House Majority Whip and serves as Capital Improvement Projects manager for the House Finance Committee. Rep. Todd is the Minority Caucus Leader. Rep. Kapela is Vice Chair of the Higher Education and Technology Committee.

The representatives toured a residence hall room, the main campus, and the UH Hilo Agricultural Farm Laboratory in Panaʻewa.

“Rep. Kitagawa was particularly interested in some of the capital improvements for which UH Hilo is seeking support,” says Chancellor Irwin. “It always helps to see things in person, so that our legislators understand the particular needs of our campus and our community.”

Group in meeting room, greeted by Pele and Kekoa Harman.
The group was welcomed on campus with Native Hawaiian protocols led by Pele Harman, UH Hilo’s Director of Native Hawaiian Engagement, and Kekoa Harman, Associate Professor of Hawaiian Studies and Hawaiian Language. (Photo: University Relations/UH Hilo)
Group gathers by horse stalls at the farm, Kalei Rapoza is talking to the group, Chancellor Irwin stands on side to listen.
Kalei Rapoza talks to the group during a tour of the UH Hilo Agricultural Farm Laboratory in Panaʻewa. (Photo: University Relations/UH Hilo)

The group spent the morning at UH Hilo and the afternoon at Hawaiʻi Community College.

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Go Vulcans! 5th Annual Student-Athlete Academic Honors Reception: More than 100 receive academic honors

Large group of about 100 students standing on a flight of steps for the photo. Each is holding a certificate showing their Academic Honors status.
Student-athletes gather for a photo during the 5th Annual Student-Athlete Academic Honors Reception on April 24, 2023, where a total of 105 Vulcans across 12 varsity sports were recognized for their stellar academic achievements. (Spencer Honda/UH Hilo Athletics)

Chancellor Bonnie Irwin attended the 5th Annual Student-Athlete Academic Honors Reception on Monday evening where a total of 105 University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Vulcans across 12 varsity sports were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements. The student-athletes have each earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.30 over the 2022-23 academic year.

“Our scholar athletes are great role models for their fellow students,” says Chancellor Irwin. “They have mastered time management and persistence in the face of challenges. I am so pleased to see more and more students being honored every year as our Vulcan athletes’ GPAs continue to rise. I am grateful for the flexibility of their faculty and the mentoring of their coaches in support of their academic success.”

Chancellor Irwin at front of group with mic in hand, delivering remarks.
Chancellor Irwin at the 5th Annual Student-Athlete Academic Honors Reception, April 24, 2023. (Spencer Honda/UH Hilo Athletics)
Olivia Jarvis pictured with flower behind one ear.
Olivia Jarvis

Graduate student Olivia Jarvis from the women’s cross country team was scholar-athlete speaker at the event. In her remarks, she paid tribute to “all the teachers in the classroom and the professors and faculty who support us in our academic journeys.”

“I’d like to thank you for teaching us with passion and love for your subjects, providing helpful resources for all students, responding to our emails, working with us while we are away competing, being patient with our chaotic lives and our brains, being our mentors and offering wisdom, and providing us with many opportunities we could not have earned without you.”

Jarvis earned a bachelor of science in environmental science at UH Hilo in spring 2022 and is currently working toward a master of science in tropical conservation biology and environmental science.

Also delivering remarks at the event were Director of Athletics Patrick Guillen and Director of the College of Business and Economics Todd Inouye who serves as assistant coach for the men’s soccer team.

Full story at UH Hilo Stories, and media release at Vulcan Athletics News.

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Groundbreaking ceremony held for new athletic facilities

The University of Hawai‘i at Hilo broke ground last week on a new soccer field, softball field, and a multi-purpose building to house restrooms, concessions, storage and a team room. The facilities are a Capital Improvement Project in the planning and funding stages for several years. The money was approved during the 2018 state legislative session. It’s the first new athletic facilities at UH Hilo in nearly 40 years.

Attending the ceremonies was university leadership, state legislators, coaches and teams. Local dignitaries in attendance included state Sen. Kai Kahele, along with state representatives Mark Nakashima and Richard Onishi. Also present was Dennis “Fresh” Onishi, the governor’s liaison for Hawai‘i Island.

“Athletics serves as the front porch to any university, and I am happy to see this addition to ours,” says Chancellor Bonnie Irwin. “I look forward to coming out and joining our community to watch our student-athletes compete on this field in the near future.”

Aerial view, artist rendering of soccer and softball fields.
Artist rendering of new soccer and softball fields at UH Hilo. The project is slated for completion in Sept. 2021. Courtesy image from Vulcan Athletics.

Read full story at UH Hilo Stories website.

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Chancellor at the State Capitol this week

Above: Chancellor Bonnie Irwin with Governor David Ige, Hawai‘i State Capitol, July 11, 2019.

A note from the Chancellor about her week:

One of my priorities is to hear about local issues from our elected officials, and I so I spent much of this week listening to senators and representatives about issues important to their districts and the state so that we can work on partnerships and provide more educational opportunities for our students. I was gladdened by the level of support I heard from the island delegation and the governor for the great work we do here at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.

Photo via @bonnieirwin on Twitter.

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Greg Chun to serve as senior advisor to UH on Maunakea

Greg Chun will represent the university externally on all matters relating to Maunakea, including the many discussions of alternative models of management.

Greg Chun
Greg Chun

Greg Chun has been appointed as senior advisor to University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner and UH Hilo Interim Chancellor Marcia Sakai in overseeing the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the entire UH System on Maunakea. Chun is a UH Mānoa faculty member whose work focuses on the intersection of land use, community engagement and culture. Chun also chairs the Maunakea Management Board.

“Greg is extraordinarily well qualified and prepared to help the entire university and state move forward,” says Lassner in making the appointment. “Greg’s new role will enable him to represent the university externally on all matters relating to Maunakea, including the many discussions of alternative models of management. At the same time, he will be able to assist the entire University of Hawaiʻi in continuing to advance what have become award-winning stewardship and management programs across all parts of the institution.”

Chun is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools and has formal training as a clinical psychologist. Now residing on Hawaiʻi Island, Chun has served at the senior executive level with both Kamehameha Schools and the Parker Ranch. He has experience with restoration of historic Hawaiian sites in West Hawaiʻi and Molokai, in the development of educational and cultural programming as well as Hawaiian culture and values training, and providing leadership and organizational development.


UH System News.

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