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President of Palau visits UH Hilo

Chancellor Irwin with President of Palau Surangel Whipps, Jr and two others.
From left, Palau Minister of Infrastructure and Industries Charles Obichang, UH Hilo Chancellor Bonnie Irwin, President of Palau Surangel S. Whipps Jr, and Palau Bureau of Aviation Director Peter Polloi. (Courtesy photo)

The President of Palau Surangel Whipps, Jr., who had some business in Honolulu, made a side trip to Hilo last week where he was welcomed by Chancellor Bonnie Irwin and visited with UH Hilo’s Palau students.

President Whipps had requested the opportunity to engage with his constituents here in Hilo to provide an update about the signing of the compact of free association, the process his administration went through, its impact on citizens of Palau living and studying in the United States, and engage in dialogue about the current state of the Republic.

There were about 20 UH Hilo students in attendance and about eight community members that came to the town hall meeting with President Whipps held at the Pacific Island Student Center at UH Hilo’s Campus Center.

Large group of people gathered atop campus center roof for photo.
President Whipps (far left) with students and members of the community that came to the town hall meeting held at the Pacific Island Student Center at UH Hilo’s Campus Center. (Courtesy photo Andrew Polloi/UH Hilo)



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