B.A. History – Oral Communication

Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?


Published where? (website)

BA History

Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2016-2017: Oral Communication)?

Yes. “The History major assists students in the development of their ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, and in the development of their ability to gather, process, and analyze information from various sources, including primary and secondary source material found in print and Internet formats.” Students will be able to: Present a historical interpretation in a well-organized, clear, and logical manner.

Process of Core Competency Assessment:

Course (400- level)

HIST 491


Twenty minute presentation based on student’s senior thesis.

Type of Student Artifact

Twenty minute presentation.

Rubric or other instrument

GE Rubric for Oral Communication

Data (measurement of the competency)

Eight senior thesis presentations (n=8) were offered to an audience of students, faculty, family and friends – assessed by five evaluators. The class average for overall score was 3.221 indicating that students are exceeding competency (score of 3), but with the following areas noted as needing improvement: content; delivery.

Evaluator Tabular Data

Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)

The department will address these areas of concern through the following: (1) to improve content, research and use of sources will be address in HIST 300 ‘historical methods’ and HIST 490 ‘historiography’ where the bulk of research for the senior thesis is achieved; (2) to improve delivery, students will be given more opportunity to hone presentation skills in HIST 300 ‘historical methods’ and HIST 490 ‘historiography’ as well as in their 300and 400-level history foundation courses.

Date of Last Program Review

2016 History report