B.A./B.S. Geology – Oral Communication*

Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?

Yes. BS and BA in Geology Mission and Program Goals as outlined in our 2003 program review.

Published where? (website)

BA Geology

Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2016-2017: Oral Communication)?


Process of Core Competency Assessment:

Course (400- level)

GEOL 450


Students will present their project using Remote Sensing Data Visualization and analysis.

Type of Student Artifact

Students will present (PowerPoint and some other graphic images) for approximately 20 minutes as a final product for the semester in addition to their written report.

Rubric or other instrument

GE Rubric for Oral Communication

Data (measurement of the competency)

Please see attached data.

Evaluator Tabular Data

Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)

Examine the effectiveness of the oral communication in relation to our existing programs goals and outcomes. We are in the process of our program review, and will reevaluate our implementation of curriculum as they relate to our departmental goals and learning objectives.

Date of Last Program Review

2005 Geology report