Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?
Published where? (website)
Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2016-2017: Oral Communication)?
PLOs are not specific to OC but implied
Process of Core Competency Assessment:
Course (400- level)
ANTH 415
10 min. presentation based on their research papers – must include statement of purpose, background to the problem/issue, synthesis and analysis must be explicit, and a conclusion.
Type of Student Artifact
Research paper & presentation
Rubric or other instrument
GE Rubric for Oral Communication
Data (measurement of the competency)
Three faculty took part in evaluating fourteen (n=14) oral presentations. Of the 14 presentations, 2 fell short of Competent (both averaged 2.75). Students were strongest in Organization and Structure (3.61), but needed more attention to Content (3.21). The scores were fairly uniform between evaluators and did not deviate more than a point in each category for all presentations, suggesting uniform expectations between faculty.
Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)
In Spring 2018 the Anthropology Department will discuss the results of the Oral Communication assessment to determine appropriate next steps to enhance students’ oral communication skills. Part of that discussion will focus on ways we can improve how students convey content from research papers in oral presentations. Organization and Structure (3.61), but needed more attention to Content (3.21). The scores were fairly uniform between evaluators and did not deviate more than a point in each category for all presentations, suggesting uniform expectations between faculty.
Date of Last Program Review