Lines of Inquiry 2021, Additional Documents

Documents in Response to the Lines of Inquiry, May 10-11, 2021

The following constitutes a response to the Summary of the Lines of Inquiry dated May 12, 2021, wherein additional materials were requested and uploaded to the folder, “Lines of Inquiry Documents following OSR.”


  1. The following link is to our new strategic plan:

The Faculty Congress has also created a strategic plan to help guide its role in faculty leadership and governance:

  1. For documents relating to capital planning and long-term infrastructure costs, including IT, please see the file labeled “Appendix 2 Capital Planning & Infrastructure Cost (6-year – FY 22-27 – RIM Updates—UHH – 21.08).pdf.”


  1. FY2021 budget and budget vs actual reports and the current 2021 allocation.


  1. Most recent independent auditors’ reports and financial statements. Please see  “Appendix 4 Financials,” which includes:


  1. Most recent enrollment projections. Please see the Excel file labeled “Appendix 5 Enrollment Projections Data. xlsx.”
  2. “Appendix 6 Student Success Initiatives” houses a number of recent reports:


  1. For a summary of the most recent campus climate surveys, please see the document labeled “Appendix 7 Climate Survey.docx.”


  1. There are currently two units that oversee diversity and equity initiatives—the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Equal Opportunity, the latter of which falls under the Office of the Chancellor. The folder called “Appendix 8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” includes:


  1. Documents associated with the well-being and learning outcomes of marginalized communities, including summaries of relevant data. Please see the document labeled “Appendix 9 Marginalized Communities—data and analysis.pdf.”(remediation in progress)


  1. For curriculum maps, assessment rubrics, and program learning outcomes for all majors (graduate and undergraduate), please see the folder “Appendix 10 PLOs, Curriculum Matrices, & Rubrics.”


  1. Policies concerning expected faculty involvement in assessment activities. Per the faculty contract (collective bargaining), assessment is stated as a faculty duty:

The Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article IV, Section B, para. 2 states: “Also, included in the work associated with instruction are the implementation of instructional systems and strategies, distance learning technologies, and student evaluation and assessment” (p. 4).


  1. Examples of how assessment data were used in the course or program revision. Please see the document “Appendix 12 Examples of Assessment and Course & Program Improvements.docx.”


  1. For graduate program assessment planning, see “Appendix 13 Graduate program assessment plan and schedule.pdf.”


  1. For co-curricular assessment and resource planning, please see the document labeled “Appendix 14 Co-curricular schedule of assessment and resource planning.docx.”


  1. A summary of student complaints and disposition since the 2017 Interim Report, by year, was requested. The Folder “Appendix 15 Complaints” houses documents from four different units—Office of the Chancellor (EEO/Title IX), Administrative Affairs (Athletics), Academic Affairs (academic student complaints), and Student Affairs (student conduct complaints and other student-generated concerns). The UH System maintains a Whistleblower Hotline, which is a toll-free number anyone with concerns may utilize to confidentially report “suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or other conduct in violation of the university’s policies or other laws, rules or regulations.” Complaints regarding UH Hilo are routed to the UH Hilo’s Chancellor’s Office which is charged with investigating the matter.
  1. For data related to post-graduate student and alumni outcomes, disaggregated by student characteristics, including instructional modality, see “Appendix 16 Post-Graduate Outcomes.pdf.”


  1. Appendix 7 involves a summary of the surveys most directly related to a comprehensive climate survey. The folder labeled “Appendix 17 Various Surveys of Campus” includes the data and larger analyses that are briefly summarized in Appendix 7.


  1. The folder labeled “Appendix 18 Orientations” includes examples of orientations for new students, staff, and faculty.
  2. Regarding staff handbook(s), UH Hilo defers to the State of Hawai‘i and UH System websites for state workers. The following links are provided to all employees:

Employee Benefits by the Department of Human Resources Development

Benefits and Leaves by the UH System Office of Human resources


  1. The folder “Appendix 20 Syllabi for DL programs” includes 2 examples from each of the following programs: (remediation in progress)

Please note that Liberal Studies is not included as this is a program for individualized studies which are infrequently approved.


If there are any questions or problems with WSCUC Institutional Accreditation webpage, and documents, please contact