Line of Reasoning* | Organization and Structure | Content | Language/Prose/Syntax | |
4 (Advanced) |
• Composes a well-defined thesis that is supported by coherent and relevant arguments. • Argument is coherent and develops a clear line of logical reasoning. |
• Organization of ideas/information is well planned, and organized; structure enhances the message or argument.
• Paragraphs are well-developed, and paragraph breaks enhance the main points. |
• Exhibits original insight into the content
• Content illuminates the argument and/or message |
Uses grammatically correct prose that is highly appropriate to the audience; paper successfully utilizes complex sentence structures; prose is articulate and sophisticated. |
3 (Competent) |
• Constructs an identifiable thesis with some gaps or inconsistencies in reasoning. • Minor gaps in logic but the overall argument is linear and coherent. |
• Some organizational problems evident. • Paragraphs are developed but exhibit a few inappropriate breaks, or transitions between paragraphs are awkward. |
• Content is adequately addressed • Content generally supports main argument. |
Minor problems with grammar or punctuation, but sentences generally make sense; sentence structure is simplistic; prose may be conversational or somewhat inappropriate for purpose of the assignment or the audience. |
2 (Emerging) |
• Thesis is weak, unclear or too broad for assignment, but has some relevance to the body of essay or presentation. • Paper utilizes only marginally coherent set of ideas; connections between some ideas and arguments are missing or underdeveloped. |
• Some attempt at organizing ideas/information but reasoning for that ordering is not apparent. • Paragraphs are underdeveloped or and/or transitions between them are problematic. |
• Content is only superficially addressed. • Content does not fully support main argument. |
Exhibits grammatical problems but overall meaning of sentences is not totally obscured; prose may not reflect an understanding of standard English; may lack an understanding of the purpose of the assignment or the audience. |
1 (Beginning) |
• No discernible thesis (unable to construct an argument).
• The paper is a collection of unrelated ideas. |
• Paragraphs are or appear nonexistent.
• Transitions between paragraphs are non-existent. |
• Content is not appropriate to the assignment or minimally used.
• Content does not relate to the argument being made. |
Prose is largely incomprehensible; major grammatical and punctuation problems; major syntax problems at the sentence level. |
* This column is used to simultaneously assess critical thinking
Download PDF: Written Communication Rubric (Undergraduate) 2013-2014