Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?
Yes, B.A. – Anthropology
Published where? (website)
Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2017-2018: Written Communication)?
PLOs are not specific to WC, but implied. Our student learning goals are to think and communicate more broadly and holistically by gaining a basic understanding and integrating the following perspectives: the nature and range of cultural diversity globally and temporally; the major theoretical orientations in Anthropology as related to our general understanding of human cultural behaviors and cultural and biological adaptations.
Process of Core Competency Assessment:
Course (400- level)
ANTH 445 – Ethnographic Field
8-12 page paper on the life history of a member of a local group or institution.
Type of Student Artifact
Life history paper & presentation.
Rubric or other instrument
GE Rubric for Written Communication
Data (measurement of the competency)
Six readers took part in evaluating fifteen (n=15) artifacts. Of the 15 papers, 7 fell short of “Competent – 3”, with students exhibiting the most difficulty with the line of reasoning (average = 2.73). However, the department displayed a high level of agreement between reader evaluations, with only 1 paper showing a scoring discrepancy greater than 1.5 points.
Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)
In Fall 2018 the Anthropology Department discussed the results of the Written Communication assessment, and agreed that the evaluated assignment (a life history) was not an appropriate choice for the assessment (and a key factor in our difficulty evaluating the papers for line of reasoning). However, we only offered one 400-level course in spring 2018, and had no other option for this assessment. We believe a standard research paper would have allowed for clearer evaluation of student writing. However, we see that Organization & Structure and Language/Prose/Syntax could be improved upon, and we will continue to work on appropriate next steps to enhance students’ written communication skills.
Date of Last Program Review