Oral Communication Rubric


Organization and
Content* Language** Delivery
Presentation is highly
organized, with a logical sequence
Content strongly
exhibits insight into
the subject matter
Language choices strongly
enhance the effectiveness
of the presentation and are also appropriate to the audience
Delivery techniques
(gestures, eye contact, vocal expressiveness) are highly engaging
Presentation is adequately organized, with a discernible
Content adequately
exhibits insight into the subject manner
Language choices
adequately support the
effectiveness of the presentation and are also
appropriate to the audience
Delivery techniques
(gestures, eye contact, vocal expressiveness) are adequate
The organization of the presentation lacks focus, and exhibits major gaps in logic Content is only superficially
Language choices partially
support the effectiveness
of the presentation and are also appropriate to the audience
Delivery techniques
(gestures, eye contact, vocal expressiveness) do not engage the audience
Organization is not evident Content displays no insight into the subject matter Language choices
minimally support the
effectiveness of the
presentation and/or are not appropriate to the audience
Delivery techniques
(gestures, eye contact, vocal expressiveness)
detract from the presentation

*These two columns simultaneously assess critical thinking

**Choices need to be both effective and appropriate for 2, 3, & 4

Download PDF: Oral Communication Rubric (Undergraduate)