Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?
Published where? (website)
Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2016-2017: Oral Communication)?
Process of Core Competency Assessment:
Course (400- level)
SOC 409
10 – 20 minute presentation of Case Study on Social Movement Organization.
Type of Student Artifact
Project Presentation
Rubric or other instrument
Rubric Introduction/ 5 points
Summary of Literature Review/5
Research Questions/ 5 points
Explanation of Method/ 5 points
Explanation of Theory/5
Case Analysis/ 15 points
Data (measurement of the competency)
Five (n=5) presentations were evaluated by two sociology faculty members. Average scores for each category were high. The average score was 3.6/4 for Organization, 3.8 for Content, 3.7 for Language, and 3.3 for Delivery. This indicates that Sociology Majors are developing competency in oral communication.
Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)
In response to the findings we will develop formal program learning outcomes, including oral communication, and post these publicly. We will consider any program inefficiencies (such as tracks and prerequisites) that may further improve oral communication training for senior seminar courses. We will emphasize further delivery, which was the lowest measure.
Date of Last Program Review
Link to Website: WSCUC Institutional Accreditation
Documents are missing and were not found even after contacting the appropriate parties.