B.A. Psychology – Oral Communication

Have formal Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) or Student Learning Outcomes (SLOS) been developed?


Published where? (website)

Psychology webpage

Do PLOs include or imply link to Core Competency? (AY 2016-2017: Oral Communication)?

YES – PO2, PO4, PO5

Process of Core Competency Assessment:

Course (400- level)

PSY 430 Physiological Psychology


Presentation will be a summary of student’s research proposal.

Presentation should be 5-10 minutes. If presentation slides used, instructor suggests no more than 5 slides.

Student should not read from written presentation script. Student should be able to answer questions from their peers.

Type of Student Artifact

Research proposal & oral presentation

Rubric or other instrument

Campus-developed rubric for Oral Communication

Data (measurement of the competency)

Thirteen (13) presentations were observed and independently rated by 2 Psychology Department faculty on (Presentation dates were April 27 & May 2)

The correlation between raters’ scores was 0.92

Seven (7) presentations (53.8%) were rated as Advanced


Four (4) presentations (30.8%) were rated as Competent


Two (2) presentations (15.4%) were rated as Emerging


Presentations showed the most strength in Organization

(M=3.40, SD=0.63)

Presentations showed the most weakness in Delivery

(M=3.25, SD=0.63)


Evaluator Tabular Data

Action Taken in Response to the Data (What will you do in response to the Findings?)

In Fall 2017 the Psychology Department will discuss the results of the Oral Communication assessment to determine appropriate next steps to enhance students’ oral communication skills.

Date of Last Program Review

Please locate URL of most recent Program Review MOU on the VCAA Website: VCAA Website


Psychology MOU