Criteria for Review (CFR) under WSCUC
Note: Guidelines are in parentheses following definitions for each CFR, evidence for each CFR are listed as bullet points.
Standard 3. Developing and Applying Resources and Organizational Structures to Ensure Quality and Sustainability
The institution sustains its operations and supports the achievement of its educational objectives through investments in human, physical, fiscal, technological, and information resources and through an appropriate and effective set of organizational and decision-making structures. These key resources and organizational structures promote the achievement of institutional purposes and educational objectives and create a high-quality environment for learning.
3.1 The institution employs faculty and staff with substantial and continuing commitment to the institution. The faculty and staff are sufficient in number, professional qualification, and diversity to achieve the institution’s educational objectives, establish and oversee academic policies, and ensure the integrity and continuity of its academic and co-curricular programs wherever and however delivered. X 2.1, 2.2b
(The institution has a faculty staffing plan that ensures that all faculty roles and responsibilities are fulfilled and includes a sufficient number of full-time faculty members with appropriate backgrounds by discipline and degree level.)
- See CFR 2.1 for data on faculty
- PSEMPL-Report-Charts (all employees)
- Faculty Total FT-PT
- Faculty Demographics PT FT
- FT Faculty -Race/Ethnicity
- PT faculty -Race/Ethnicity
3.2 Faculty and staff recruitment, hiring, orientation, workload, incentives, and evaluation practices are aligned with institutional purposes and educational objectives. Evaluation is consistent with best practices in performance appraisal, including multisource feedback and appropriate peer review. Faculty evaluation processes are systematic and are used to improve teaching and learning. X 1.7, 4.3, 4.4
- Faculty Handbook
- Civil Service Employees
- APT (Professional and Technical Specialists)
3.3 The institution maintains appropriate and sufficiently supported faculty and staff development activities designed to improve teaching, learning, and assessment of learning outcomes. X 2.1, 2.2b, 4.4
(The institution engages full-time, non-tenure-track, adjunct, and part-time faculty members in such processes as assessment, program review, and faculty development.)
- Evidence for this CFR is listed under 3.2
3.4 The institution is financially stable and has unqualified independent financial audits and resources sufficient to ensure long-term viability. Resource planning and development include realistic budgeting, enrollment management, and diversification of revenue sources. Resource planning is integrated with all other institutional planning. Resources are aligned with educational purposes and objectives. X 1.1, 1.2, 2.10, 4.6, 4.7
(The institution has functioned without an operational deficit for at least three years. If the institution has an accumulated deficit, it should provide a detailed explanation and a realistic plan for eliminating it.)
3.5 The institution provides access to information and technology resources sufficient in scope, quality, currency, and kind at physical sites and online, as appropriate, to support its academic offerings and the research and scholarship of its faculty, staff, and students. These information resources, services, and facilities are consistent with the institution’s educational objectives and are aligned with student learning outcomes. X 1.2, 2.1, 2.2
(The institution provides training and support for faculty members who use technology in instruction. Institutions offering graduate programs have sufficient fiscal, physical, information, and technology resources and structures to sustain these programs and to create and maintain a graduate-level academic culture.)
3.6 The institution’s leadership, at all levels, is characterized by integrity, high performance, appropriate responsibility, and accountability.
3.7 The institution’s organizational structures and decision-making processes are clear and consistent with its purposes, support effective decision making, and place priority on sustaining institutional capacity and educational effectiveness.
(The institution establishes clear roles, responsibilities, and lines of authority.)
- Organizational Chart for the Office of the Chancellor
- Governance Roles and Responsibilities (Division of Academic Affairs)
3.8 The institution has a full-time chief executive officer and a chief financial officer whose primary or full-time responsibilities are to the institution. In addition, the institution has a sufficient number of other qualified administrators to provide effective educational leadership and management.
- The Board of Regents Policy 1.210 in Section III.A.4 states: “The chancellors have the leadership responsibility for the immediate operational management and governance of their respective organizational units within Board governing and Presidential administrative policy”
- Responsibilities of the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs (Chief Financial Officer)
- Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
3.9 The institution has an independent governing board or similar authority that, consistent with its legal and fiduciary authority, exercises appropriate oversight over institutional integrity, policies, and ongoing operations, including hiring and evaluating the chief executive officer. X 1.5 – 1.7
(The governing body comprises members with the diverse qualifications required to govern an institution of higher learning. It regularly engages in self-review and training to enhance its effectiveness.)
- Board Members
- Bylaws
- The UH System outlines the evaluation of academic administrators in Executive Policy 9.212 under Section IX.
3.10 The institution’s faculty exercises effective academic leadership and acts consistently to ensure that both academic quality and the institution’s educational purposes and character are sustained. X 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 4.3, 4.4
(The institution clearly defines the governance roles, rights, and responsibilities of all categories of full-time and part-time faculty.)
- The UH Hilo Faculty Congress is the institution-wide governing body that overseas faculty governance as well as key faculty driven initiatives, such as General Education, assessment; the Faculty Congress also provides consultation to administration on a number of issues, such as budget and program review.
- Each college in UH Hilo also maintains a Faculty Senate, with representatives reporting to the larger Faculty Congress.