Documents for 2021-2022 Institutional Review for Reaffirmation of Accreditation
January 2021 Institutional Report to WASC
- Sections 1 & 2: Introduction to the Institutional Report: Institutional Context, Review under WSCUC Standards, and Response to Previous Commission Actions
- Section 3: Degree Programs: Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of Degrees
- Section 4: Educational Quality: Student Learning, Core Competencies, and Standards of Performance at Graduation
- Section 5: Student Success: Student Learning, Retention, and Graduation
- Section 6: Quality Assurance and Improvement: Program Review; Assessment; Use of Data and Evidence
- Section 7: Sustainability: Financial Viability; Preparing for the Changing Higher Education Environment
- Conclusion: Reflection and Plans for Improvement
Self-Review Under the Standards
Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators (updated February 2021)
Compliance Audit Checklist
Materials for the Compliance Audit Checklist
Sample syllabi—undergraduate
- POLS 100 (DL) Intro to Political Science
- MARE 201L Oceanography Lab (science lab)
- AG 263 Composting and Vermicomposting (WI)
- HORT 262 Principles of Horticulture (WI)
- ENG 345 Children and Literature (Summer/DL)
- SOC 391 Syllabus, Internship Field Manual
- LING 399 Syllabus (independent studies)
- CS 461 Software Engineering (face-to-face; flipped classroom)
Sample of Program Review (Academic)
- English—undergraduate (2015-2016)
- Education—graduate (2015-2016)
- Computer Science—undergraduate (2016-2017)
- Philosophy—undergraduate (2018-2019)
- Linguistics—undergraduate (2018-2019)
- TCBES—graduate (2018-2019)
- Sociology—undergraduate (2019-2020)
- MA Counseling Psychology (Secondary External Accreditation)
- MPCAC Accreditation, 2011-2021
- Application and Self-Study for Reaccreditation, Spring 2020 (MPCAC) —program assessment (indirect and direct) can be found on pages 138-148
- Response to Questions from MPCAC, May 28, 2020
- Follow-up questions for MPCAC, June 3, 2020
- Statement by the Chair
- Pharmaceutical Sciences—graduate (2020-2021)
- CAFNRM—undergraduate (2020-2021)
- Self-Study
- External Review
- Program Assessment for CAFNRM
- Review for compliance by ALO
- Review by Dean
- Review by VCAA
- Geology—undergraduate (2021-2022)
- Self-Study
- External Review
- Program Assessment for Geology
- Review for compliance by ALO
- Review by Dean
- Review by VCAA
- Mathematics—undergraduate (2021-2022)
- Languages—undergraduate (2021-2022)
- Performing Arts—undergraduate (2021-2022)
- Full list of Program Reviews by College with Schedules
- Full list of Programs Reviewed Through Secondary Accreditation
Required Data Exhibits
- Admissions and Student Preparation
- Student Enrollments
- Degrees Awarded
- Faculty and Staff Data (Demographics)
Substantive Change, 2014-present
- M.A. Heritage Management
- B.S. Aeronautical Sciences
Interim Action Report
Core Competency Assessment
- AY 2013-2014 Written Communication/Critical Thinking
- AY 2014-2015 Quantitative Reasoning/Critical Thinking
- AY 2015-2016 Information Literacy/Critical Thinking
- AY 2016-2017 Oral Communication/Critical Thinking
- AY 2017-2018 Written Communication/Critical Thinking
- AY 2018-2019 Quantitative Reasoning/Critical Thinking
- AY 2020-2021 Information Literacy/Critical Thinking (in progress)
- AY 2017-2018 Written Communication
- AY 2018-2019 Quantitative Reasoning
- AY 2019-2020 Information Literacy
Institutional Learning Assessment
- Diversity & Indigenous Values (UH Hilo ILO)
- Writing Intensive (Graduation Requirement)
- Reading Assessment
- Service-Learning Assessment
- 2014 Applied Learning Description and Criteria
- UH System Approved Template for Internships
- Chinese Studies Certificate
- Nursing
- Rubrics for ANSC 230, ANSC 353, ENTO 350, and Feral Cat Program
- Data collection postponed due to COVID-19
- Kahuawaiola (Indigenous Teacher Education Certificate)
- MS Counseling Psychology
- Communication and Kinesiology Majors Survey (Spring 2020)
Miscellaneous Supporting Documents
- Statements for Compliance Audit Checklist
- Statement for 1.7 (part1)
- Statement for 1.8
- Statement for 2.2
- Statement for 2.2a Core Competency
- Statement for 2.2a General Ed
- Statement for 2.5
- Statement for 2.7
- Statement for 2.10
- Statement for 2.11
- Statement for 2.12
- Statement for 2.13
- Statement for 3.4
- Statement for 3.5
- Statement for 3.6
- Statement for 4.1
- Statement for 4.3
- Statement for4.2
- Statement for 4.4
- Statement for 4.5
- Statement for 4.7
- Draft MOU Template For Internship
- Final DSA Program Review Description
- CFR 2.11 Examples of Co-curricular Program Review (Section 508 in-progress)
- Sample KFS Report
- Public Brochure for Bee-Keeping Project (CAFNRM)
- Statements for Compliance Audit Checklist
Documents in Response to the Lines of Inquiry, May 10-11, 2021
- Summary of Lines of Inquiry, May 10-11, 2021
- Documents relating to the current UH Hilo strategic plan
- The Faculty Congress’s strategic plan to help guide its role in faculty leadership and governance
- Documents relating to capital planning and long-term infrastructure costs, including IT
- FY2021 budget and budget vs actual reports
- Most recent independent auditors’ report and financial statements (turned in via the Annual Report)
- Most recent enrollment projections
- Documents relating to student success initiatives
- Summary of the most recent campus climate survey
- Documents summarizing previous and planned efforts related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Appendix 8.1 Statement from the Division of Student Affairs
- Appendix 8.2 Statement from the Office of Equal Opportunity
- Appendix 8.3 2020-2021 Inventory of Employee and Student Title IX Training and Programming (Office of Equal Opportunity)
- Appendix 8.4 2019 Title IX Educational Outreach and Programming (Office of Equal Opportunity)
- Documents associated with the well-being and learning outcomes of marginalized communities, including summaries of relevant data (remediation in progress)
- Curriculum maps and assessment rubrics for program learning outcomes for all majors, and for the undergraduate and graduate learning goals
- Policies concerning expected faculty involvement in assessment activities
- Examples of how assessment data were used in the course or program revision
- Graduate program assessment plan and schedule
- Co-curricular/Student Life schedule of assessment and resource planning (fiscal, personnel) to support these efforts
- Summary of student complaints and disposition since the 2017 Interim Report, by year
- Data related to post-graduate student and alumni outcomes, disaggregated by student characteristics, including instructional modality
- Summaries of any faculty, staff, or student surveys conducted since the 2017 Interim Report (excludes external surveys such as NSSE and FSSE)
- Agendas for orientations for new students, staff, and faculty
- Staff handbook(s)
- Employee Benefits by the Department of Human Resources Development
- Benefits and Leaves by the UH System Office of Human resources
- Access to course sites in Laulima for two courses in each distance learning program(remediation in progress)
- Please note that Liberal Studies is not included as this is a program for individualized studies which are infrequently approved.