UH Hilo 2019 Site Design

I like it, but can the snow look a little warmer? This was not according to brief, but the hair is just too polarizing. And make it look like Apple. We don't need a contract, do we? That's great, but we need to add this 2000 line essay. That's not what I saw in my head at all. I think we need to start from scratch. I really think this could go viral. We have big contacts; we will promote you. Can you make it pop; try a more powerful color? Can you turn it around in Photoshop so we can see more of the front.

  1. Can you put "find us on facebook" by the facebook logo?
  2. Remember, everything is the same or better.
  3. Can you make it more infographic-y?
  4. But can the website be in Chinese?
  5. Can you make the blue more blue?

Can you make it look more designed? Can you make the logo bigger? Yes, bigger, bigger still; the logo is too big. Can we try some other colors maybe? That graphic needs to be more playful or low resolution. It looks ok on my screen. I know somebody who can do this for a reasonable cost. That's great, but you might wanna give it another shot.

The target audience is makers, and females aged zero and up

Are you busy this weekend? I have a new project with a tight deadline. That's great, but can you make it work for IE 6 please? Add something summery and colourful. Try making it a bit less blah. Make it sexy. Could you solutionize that for me? Can't you just take a picture from the internet? Can you make it look like this clipart I found? We trust your eye, but can you change everything?

Can you make the font bigger?

Stock photoI was wondering if my cat could be placed over the logo in the flyer. We are a startup so can you make it stand out more? You can get my logo from Facebook. Thanks for taking the time to make the website, but I already made it in WIX. I'll pay you in a week. We don't need to pay upfront; I hope you understand. Umm, exactly like that, but different. It looks a bit empty; try to make everything bigger.

Anyway, you are the designer, you know what to do. Make it pop, or you might wanna give it another shot, or make it sexy. Jazz it up a little. Can you add a beard though? I want you to take it to the next level.

Can you please change the color theme of the website to pink and purple? Make the logo a bit smaller because the logo is too big. Can you link the icons to my social media accounts? Oh and please put pictures of cats everywhere. Can you make the pink a little more pinkish? It needs to be sleeker. Mmm, exactly like that, but different.

This meets most of the benchmarks

Your work on this project has been really impactful. We need run this by Phil about his attitude. Great plan! Let me diarize this, and we can synchronize ourselves at a later time point against high turnaround rate. Open door policy. Vertical integration with bleeding edge. What's the status on the deliverables for now? We need to leverage our synergies, into the weeds, push viral engagement, yet we need a recap by EOD or COB, whatever comes first.

  • Customer centric message on the initiative loop back.
  • Market-facing hard stop, for highlights and organic growth, it just needs more cowbell.
  • We need to button up our approach.
  • If you want to motivate these clowns, try less carrot and more stick.
  • Leverage high performance keywords for ultimate measure of success and can I just chime in on that one.
  • Collaboration through advanced bleeding edge technology.

Can we align on lunch orders? Punt on upstream selling or forcing function UX. Where the metal hits the meat highlights. Let's unpack that later when market-facing.

Run it up the flag pole

Let's not solutionize this right now

Prioritize these line items. So when does this sunset? Table the discussion; who's responsible for the ask for this request? Don't drink the Kool-Aid. Put a record on and see who dances going forward. Make sure to include it in your wheelhouse. Parking lot it for open door policy, not social currency.

Helicopter View

Bob called an all-hands this afternoon! This is not the hill I want to die on. Are there any leftovers in the kitchen? Q1. Pulling teeth. Loop back personal development, but I also believe it's important for every member to be involved and invested in our company and this is one way to do so for strategic fit.

Stock photo
This is a stock photo from Unsplash.

Hard stop blue sky or the last person we talked to said this would be ready. Now to be inspired is to become creative, innovative and energized. We want this philosophy to trickle down to all our stakeholders for pro-sumer software. Synergize productive mindfulness. Use a strategic high-level 30,000 ft. view. PowerPoint-less, so quick win, for touching base. Knowledge is power; process outsourcing. We just need to put these last issues to bed, but at the end of the day. We need distributors to evangelize the new line to local markets. It's blue money, for player-coach three-martini lunches. Accountable talk, nail jelly to the hothouse wall. I'll book a meeting so we can solution this before the sprint is over. Put in in a slide deck for our standup today. We need to build it so that it scales. Draft a policy proposal. Let's unpack that later.

Feature creep. Please advise ASAP, for a quick-win. Collaborate; pull in ten extra bodies to help roll the tortoise. Value-added quarterly sales are at an all-time low. On this journey, we need to leverage our synergies with design thinking and bottleneck mice.