Hawaiʻi’s Ocean Explorations
A Hands-on Guide to Hawaiʻi’s Ocean Exploration
Grade Level: 6th Grade
- Methods scientist use to study the health of the ocean and research open ocean animals.
- The unique behavior and feeding strategies of humpback whales compared to other cetaceans.
- The importance of ocean conservation to sustain seafood resources for the future.
Rationale: In this curriculum students dive deep into ocean exploration as they create their own Hawai’i ocean maps, learn how to use navigational tools such as GPS, experience a day in the life of an open-ocean researcher, apply mathematics to calculate the growth and diet of ocean animals, discover the unique characteristics of marine mammals, collect and analyze water samples using water chemistry techniques, research the uses of native limu (seaweed), and learn to communicate the importance of fishing regulations and ocean conservation.
Downloadable Lessons
- Unit Overview (PDF)
- Lesson 1: Exploring the Deep Blue (PDF)
- Lesson 1: Ocean Expedition Powerpoint (PDF)
- Lesson 2: GPS Ocean Navigation and Treasure Hunt (PDF)
- Lesson 2: GPS Instructions (PDF)
- Lesson 2: GPS in the Classroom Powerpoint (PDF)
- Lesson 3: Under Pressure (PDF)
- Lesson 4: How Big is a Humpback Whale? (PDF)
- Lesson 4: Whale Research Notebook (PDF)
- Lesson 5: How do Whales Eat? (PDF)
- Lesson 6: How do Whales Stay Warm? (PDF)
- Lesson 7: Whale Watching (PDF)
- Lesson 8: Ocean Water Chemistry and Ocean Acidification (PDF)
- Lesson 9: Native Limu Uses and Identification (PDF)
- Lesson 10: Fishing for the Future (PDF)
This unit was created and piloted by Sierra Tobiason, Lynn Fujii, and Noe Taum.