Past Events

2019 STEM Outreach: PacYES Highlights

Many students gathered at the Campus CenterHigh school students gather for the beginning of PacYES 2019.

The Pacific Islander Youth Empowerment for Success (PacYES) workshop is an annual event that is led by Pacific Islander UH Hilo students, community members, and professionals to motivate and inspire Big Island high school students of Pacific Islander heritage for entrance into college, advancing in a career, and engaging with their community. The 2019 PacYES event involved more than 200 students from across the Big Island. IOA-LSAMP was a proud sponsor at this year's event and offered STEM outreach talks and activities. Below are some visual highlights from the day.

Students sitting around a tableStudents from the Keaholoa STEM Scholars Program at UH Hilo conducted an interactive STEM activity with PacYES students. Here, Keaholoa scholar Mira Mariur shows students how to use a pipette. Mana Wahine conference partipcantsInvited discussants for the Mana Wahine: Pacific Women in the Sciences panel discussion. L-R: Dr. Heather Kaluna, Dr. Noelani Puniwai, Yubee Isaac, Linnea Heu, and Dr. Marata Tamaira (Facilitator; IOA Project Manager).

Two students at a table smiling for the cameraKeaholoa students volunteering at the PacYES resource fair. L-R: Pearlnalin Anien and Paige Hamada.

To learn more about the full event, go to UH Hilo Stories.