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Please review all eligibility requirements carefully and take care of deadline time zones.

Apply: https://new.nsf.gov/funding/initiatives/reu/search

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

NSF's one-stop link to all of their NSF-funded summer REU programs across all disciplines.

2023 Hawai'i Conservation Conference - 30th Anniversary

The Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference allows a diverse group of scientists, policymakers, conservation practitioners, educators, students and community members from Hawaiʻi and the Pacific to converge and discuss conservation. It’s a time to connect, share and inspire, all with the common goal of caring for our natural resources.

Call for Abstracts open through Friday, February 24th, 2023 5PM HST.
Apply: https://www.hawaiiconservation.org/conference/2023-conservation-conference/

Yale Conservation Scholars - Early Leadership Initiative

Led by Dr. Dorceta Taylor, Program Director and Principal Investigator, the Yale Conservation Scholars – Early Leadership Initiative (YCS- ELI) (formerly the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at University of Michigan/Yale School of the Environment) is a summer opportunity for undergraduates who are traditionally underrepresented in the conservation field and who are interested in careers in the sector. YCS-ELI is a part of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Sustainability Initiative (JEDSI) at Yale School of the Environment.

Deadline: January 10, 2023 at 11:59pm EST
Apply: https://conservationscholars.yale.edu/apply

Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES)

The Pacific Internship Programs for Exploring Science (PIPES) is a paid undergraduate summer internship program housed within the Office of Research & Community Partnerships at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.

Apply: https://hilo.hawaii.edu/uhintern/apply.php
Application deadline January 1, 2023 HST

Blue Water Youth Exchange

The Blue Water Youth Exchange is an 8-month program that combines virtual learning and group travel for a unique professional development experience. During monthly virtual meetings, participants will hear from a variety of guest speakers as well as connect and discuss with their cohort. The program will also include intensive trips to both California and Hawai'i with excursions to different sites and projects relevant to themes of the cohort's exchange. The program will conclude with a final Capstone presentation.

Deadline: Dec. 31, 2022 HST
Apply: https://sites.google.com/bluewaterexchange.org/program/program?authuser=0

Nautilus Exploration Program 2023

Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) is seeking students and educators to participate in deep ocean expeditions as part of the 2023 E/V Nautilus expedition season within the Pacific Ocean! Founded by Dr. Robert Ballard, OET is a nonprofit organization committed to bringing international ocean exploration to the world via live telepresence and providing experiential opportunities for students, young professionals, and educators.

The Science & Engineering Internship Program offers paid at-sea internships for community college, undergraduate, or graduate students, and recent graduates in ocean science, ROV (remotely operated vehicle) engineering, and video engineering. Interns sail aboard ocean exploration expeditions on E/V Nautilus for 3-5 weeks in key expedition roles, learning beside experts in the field.

Find more detail in application packets here: https://nautiluslive.org/join.
Application deadline December 31, 2022