Graduate Council 2023-2024
Meeting Schedule, Agenda, Minutes
All meetings are held at 2:00, unless noted. Meetings will be held via Zoom until further notice.
- September 1, 2023: Agenda and Minutes
- October 6, 2023: Agenda and Minutes
- November 3, 2023: Agenda and Minutes
- December 1, 2023: Agenda and Minutes
- No meeting scheduled for January
- February 2, 2024: Agenda and Minutes
- March 1, 2024: Agenda and Minutes
- April 5, 2024: Agenda and Minutes
- May 3, 2024: Agenda and Minutes
Peter Mills , Anthropology, Heritage Management, ChairArmando García-Ortega , College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management, Vice Chair
Voting Members
Charmaine Higa-McMillan , Psychology, Counseling Psychology ProgramTobias Irish , School of EducationJeanette Ayers-Kawakami orBobbie Elisala , School of NursingJonathan Price , TCBES ProgramArmando García-Ortega , College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource ManagementScott Saft , Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani,Ghee Tan , Daniel K. Inouye College of PharmacyAngela Faanunu , College of Business and Economics (eff 3/2024), Previously Sukhwa Hong- Bruce Torres Fisher, Graduate Student Representative
Donna Ohora , Edwin H. Mookini LibraryKeani Santa-Isabel , Office of the RegistrarCheri Keliʻi-Marumoto , Graduate DivisionShelby Iwamoto , Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Ex-Officio Members
Keiki Kawaiʻaeʻa , Interim VCAA