Graduate Council

Graduate Council 2018-2019

Meeting Schedule, Agenda, Minutes

All meetings are held at 2:00 PM in COBE 211, unless noted.



Voting Members

  1. Diane Barrett, Education
  2. Mary Louise Haraguchi, Library
  3. Joyce Norris-Taylor or Katharyn “Kay” Daub, Doctor of Nursing Practice
  4. Bryan Kim, Psychology
  5. Bret Mossman, Graduate Student Representative
  6. Rebecca “Becky” Ostertag, Biology, TCBES Program
  7. Peter Mills, Anthropology, Heritage Management
  8. Scott Saft, Ka Haka ʻUla O Keʻelikōlani
  9. Ghee Tan, College of Pharmacy
  10. Chelsea Kay-Wong, Office of the Registrar
  11. Shelby Wong, Curriculum, Catalog and Graduate Division
  12. Vacant, College of Business and Economics

Ex-Officio Members

  • Kenneth Hon, Interim VCAA