GN. Natural Science Requirement Fall 2011 through Summer 2018
This page is for GE from 2011-2018. For information about the GE program beginning in Fall 2018, please see the GE homepage. See UH Hilo Catalog back issues for descriptions of older courses.
6 semester hours in lecture courses plus the laboratory course associated with one of these lecture courses for a total of 7 semester hours.
Students select two lecture courses and one lab course: one semester course in one area and a second semester course with its corresponding lab in a different area. These courses use the terminology of computational, physical or biological sciences and include knowledge and theories of the computational, physical or biological sciences.
- These courses are certified as meeting the Natural Science requirement effective Fall 2011 through Summer 2018.
- Please note effective dates: a course must have been certified when you took the course to count towards the requirement.
- Students using catalogs between 2011-2018 who wish to apply the Natural Science requirement to courses not listed on this page must submit a "Request for Modification of Academic Requirement" form which can be found on the Office of the Registrar - Commonly Used Forms page.
Certified lecture courses with certified lab courses
- ASTR 110-110L General Astronomy, Gen Astronomy Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- ASTR 150-110L Life in The Universe, Gen Astronomy Lab (effective Fall 2015)
- ASTR 180-110L Princ Of Astron I, Gen Astronomy Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- BIOL 101-101L General Biology, Gen Biol Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- BIOL 171-171L Marine Biology—Diversity and Lab
- BIOL 275-275L Fund Microbiology, Microbiology Lab (effective Fall 2012)
- CHEM 100-100L Chemistry and Society, Chemistry and Society Lab (effective Fall 2013, this course was previously taught as CHEM 111-111L)
- CHEM 151-151L Elementary Survey of Chemistry, Elementary Survey of Chem Lab (effective Fall 2011, these courses were taught as CHEM 114-114L until Summer 2016)
- CHEM 161-161L General Chemistry I, General Chemistry I Lab (effective Fall 2011, these courses were taught as CHEM 124-124L until Summer 2016)
- CHEM 162-162L General Chemistry II, General Chemistry II Lab (effective Fall 2011, these courses were taught as CHEM 125-125L until Summer 2016)
- GEOL 100-100L Environmental Earth Science, Environmental Earth Sci Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 111-111L Understanding the Earth, Understanding the Earth Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 170-111L Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Understanding the Earth Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 205-111L Geology Of Hawaiian Islands, Understanding the Earth Lab (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 140-140L (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 171-171L (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 201-201L (effective Fall 2011)
- PHYS 170-170L Gen Phys I: Mechanics, Gen Phys I Lab (effective Fall 2016)
- PHYS 272-272L Gen Phys II: Elec & Magnetism, Gen Phys II Lab (effective Fall 2016, these courses were taught as PHYS 171-171L until Summer 2017)
Certified lecture courses
- AG 100 Intro to Agricultural Sciences (effective Fall 2011)
- AG 230 Sustainable Agriculture (effective Fall 2011)
- ANSC 175 Animal Behavior and Handling (effective Fall 2011)
- ANSC 254 Fundamentals of Nutrition (effective Fall 2016)
- ASTR 110 General Astronomy (effective Fall 2011)
- ASTR 150 Life in The Universe (effective Fall 2015)
- ASTR 180 Princ Of Astron I (effective Fall 2011)
- BIOL 101 General Biology (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE/BIOL 156 Nat Hist & Conservatn Hawn Isl (effective Fall 2013)
- BIOL 275 Fund Microbiology (effective Fall 2012)
- CHEM 100 Chemistry and Society (effective Fall 2012, this course was previously taught as CHEM 111 until Summer 2014)
- CHEM 141 Surv Organ Chem & Biochem (effective Fall 2012)
- CHEM 151 Elementary Survey of Chemistry (effective Fall2011, this course was previously taught as CHEM 114 until Summer 2016)
- CHEM 161 General Chemistry I (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as CHEM 124 until Summer 2016)
- CHEM 162 General Chemistry II (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as CHEM 125 until Summer 2016)
- CS 100 Prin Of Computer Sci (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 101 Digital Tools for Info World (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 130 Beg Graphics, Game Programg (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 135 Animation Programming (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 138 Intro to Computing with Robots (effective Fall 2015)
- CS 150 Intro To Computer Science I (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 201 Web Technology II (effective Fall 2011)
- CS 282 Practical Comp for Sci & Engg (effective Fall 2012)
- ENSC 100 Intro to Environmental Science (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOG 101 Geog & Nat Environ (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 100 Environmental Earth Science (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 111 Understanding the Earth (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 170 Volcanoes and Earthquakes (effective Fall 2012)
- GEOL 205 Geology Of Hawaiian Islands (effective Fall 2011)
- GEOL 300 Adv Environmental Earth Sci (effective Fall 2011)
- HORT 262 Princ Of Hort (effective Fall 2011)
- KES 206 (effective Fall 2011)
- KES 207 Basic Human Nutrition (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 110 Current Issues in Marine Sci (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 140 Intro to Hawaiian Coral Reefs (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 171 Marine Biology-Diversity (effective Fall 2011, this course was also crosslisted with BIOL 171 until Summer 2017)
- MARE 172 Marine Biology-Cellular Proc (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 201 Oceanography (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 282 Global Change (effective Fall 2011)
- MARE 310 The Atoll Ecosystem (effective Fall 2011)
- MATH 100 Survey Of Math (effective Fall 2011)
- MATH 140X Precalculus (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 104 until Summer 2016)
- MATH 135 Precalc: Elementary Functions (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 104F until Summer 2016)
- MATH 140 Precalc:Trig/Analytic Geometry (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 104G until Summer 2016)
- MATH 125 Applied Calculus (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 115 until Summer 2016)
- MATH 115 Intro to Stats and Prob _(effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 121 until Summer 2018)
- MATH 241 Calculus I (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 205 until Summer 2018)
- MATH 242 Calculus II (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 206 until Summer 2018)
- MATH 243 Calculus III (effective Fall 2011, this course was previously taught as MATH 231 until Summer 2018)
- NRES 196 Intro to Natural Resource Mgmt (effective Fall 2012)
- PHYS 110 Physics of Contemporary Issues (effective Fall 2012)
- PHYS 115 Phys for Liberal Arts (effective Fall 2011)
- PHYS/GEOG 120 Weather & Climate Hawaiʻi (effective Fall 2011)
- PHYS 151 College Physics I (effective Fall 2017)
- PHYS 152 College Physics II (effective Fall 2017)
- QBA 260 Business Statistics (effective Fall 2011)