Faculty Senate Meeting - September 18, 2019
Date: 09-18-2019 4:15pm
Subject: Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Andrey Simonov (Chair), Sijie Sun (Vice Chair), Terrance Jalbert, Keisuke Nakao, Todd Inouye, Sukhwa Hong, Amirhossein Mohammadian, Angela Faanunu, Benjamin Zenk, James Czarski, Deborah Hughes, Helen Tien, Marcia Sakai, Emmeline de Pillis (ex officio)
- Curricular adjustments for Economics concentration.
Report: Econ faculties proposed 5 changes of BBA with Econ concentrations including:
a) Rename the “Economics” Concentration to “Applied Economics” Concentration.
b) Deactivate the following courses & remove them from the catalog:
UH Hilo Catalog - Econ Courses
• ECON 210 Intro To Global Economy.
• ECON 305 Hist Of Econ Thought.
• ECON 330 Hawaiian Economy.
• ECON 360 International Trade & Welfare.
• ECON 415 SE Asia-China Econ Relations.
• ECON 416 Asia-Pacific Econ Integration
c) Deactivate the following courses & remove them from the catalog:
Economics Minor
d) Remove the Asia-Pacific-US Economic Relations Certificate.
Asia-Pacific-US Economic Relations
e) Change the Requirements for the Economics Concentration:
BBA - General Business
• Microeconomic Requirement (choose one)
o ECON 301 Inter Microecon Theory (3)
o ECON 302 Managerial Economics (3)
o ECON 414 Global Topics in Game Theory (3)
• Macroeconomic Requirement (choose one of the below if not used for Pre-Business requirement)
o ECON 300 Inter Macroecon Theory (3)
o ECON 340 Money & Banking (3)
• Quantitative Requirement (choose one of the below)
o ECON 390 Econometrics (3)
o ECON 430 Quantitative Forecasting (3)
o FIN321 Invest & Secur Analysis
• Global Economic Requirement (choose one of the below)
o ECON 310 Economic Development (3)
o ECON 360 International Trade & Welfare (3)
o ECON 361 International Finance (3)
• Applied Economics Requirement (choose one of the below)
o ECON 370 Government Finance (3)
o ECON 417 Health Economics (3)
o ECON 482 Natural Resource Env Eco (3)
• Two ECON electives.
• One ACC, BUS, ECON, FIN, MGT, MKT, QBA or TOUR Elective.
• Marcia Sakai moved to motion to adjust five point listing before, and the motion was seconded by Keisuke Nakao. The discussion was raised about the practical concern.
• The motion was approved with 12 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
- James Thropp Scholarship
Report: Terrance Jalbert reported selection criteria and allocation for the James Thropp Scholarship. The scholarship Committee should meet in advance of the award granting season to establish specific criteria for the reward.
• Terrance Jalbert moved to motion, and Marcia Sakai amend the motion, and the motion was seconded. The discussion was raised by Angela Faanun to focus more on the native Hawaiian students.
• The motion was approved with 11 votes in favor, 0 against, 2 abstained.
- Sukhwa Hong’s new classes: QBA200, QBA362, QBA465
Report: Sukhwa Hong proposed QBA200, QBA362, QBA465 as new classes. The discussion was raised to shorten the course description in the syllabus to fit with requirements and then propose again.
• Sukhwa Hong moved to motion, and second by Helen Tien. No further actions.
- To determine academically qualified" for AACSB accreditation?
Report: Our current definition is in the senate minutes here: 8-15-17 Minutes
"faculty must earn at least 75 points with 25 of those coming from the publication of a peer reviewed journal article." For the new faculty, but especially our three instructors, who are teaching four courses a semester, does that still make sense? What about earning 75 points, without the restriction of "25 of those coming from the publication of a peer reviewed journal article?" This would be for AACSB qualification only, and would not affect P&T.
• The motion was tabled until instructors further motion.
- Possible cross-listing with Philosophy classes BUS 290 and PHIL 209. Permission to include BUS 290 for logic/reasoning requirement in Philosophy major.
Report: The motion is possibility of cross-listing our PHIL 209 - Reasoning course with BUS 290 - Critical Thinking, and including BUS 290 as an option for the logic/reasoning requirement in our major and minor.
The motion was amend to:
• Change BUS 290 in pre-business core to BUS 290 OR PHIL 209
• Allow Phil dept to substitute BUS 290 for PHIL 209.
• Terrance Jalbert moved to motion, and the motion was second by Benjamin Zenk
• Marcia Sakai amend the motion to separate two motion, and the motion was second by Todd Inouye
• The motion was approved with 10 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
- Establish the goals of CIR of CoBE.
Report: The motion was proposed to modify the current goals into Student Success, Financial Sustainability, and Reputation.
• Terrance Jalbert moved to motion, and the motion was second by Todd Inouye
• The motion was approved with 9 votes in favor, 0 against, 1 abstained.