Faculty Senate Meeting August 30, 2023
College of Business and Economics Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Date: 08-30-2023
Subject: Faculty Senate Meeting
Attendance: Nakao (Chair), Andrey Simonov (Vice Chair), Todd Inouye, Amirhossein Mohammadian, Sijie Sun, Sukhwa Hong, Angela Faanunu (remote), Benjamin Zenk, Deborah Hughes, Helen Tien (remote), Marcia Sakai (guest), Ji Hyon (guest)
- Introduction of Ji Hyon Jang our J-1 scholar
- Approve the minutes from the prior meetin
REPORT: CoBE Senate Minutes 08/17/23
ACTION: Motion by Amir; Seconded by Ben; Vote: 10-0-0
- Change of Business Analytics Certificate (Sukhwa)
REPORT: Proposed change of Business Analytics Certificate
ACTION: Motion by Ben; Seconded by Todd; Vote: 10-0-0
- Change of master syllabi (Ben)
ACTION: Motion by Ben ; Seconded by Todd; Vote: 9-0-1 (Ben abstained)
Curriculum change (Todd) (tabled)
Change of CoBE Charter (Todd & Andrey) (tabled)
- Change of CoBE TPRC Guidelines
○ Alignment with AACSB faculty classification
○ Guidelines for a director’s promotion
ACTION: Motion by Sukhwa ; Seconded by Amir; (requires further discussion)