Faculty Senate Meeting April 28, 2023
College of Business and Economics Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Date: 04-28-2023
Subject: Faculty Senate Meeting
- Attendance
- Amirhossein Mohammadian (Chair), Nakao (Vice Chair), Terry Jalbert, Todd Inouye, Andrey Simonov, Sijie Sun, Sukhwa Hong, Angela Faanunu, Hellen Tien, Benjamin Zenk, Deborah Hugues , Marcia Sakai (advisory).
CoBE Director Announcements:
- A presentation by Keisuke
- Approve the minutes from the prior meeting
- Report
- CoBE Senate Minutes 20230329.pdf
- Action
- Motion by Andrey; Seconded by Sukhwa; Vote: 9-0-1.
- CoBE senate chair and vice chair for next academic year
- Report
- Chair is Keisuke; Vice chair Andrey for the 2023/2024 year.
- Action
- Motion by Sukhwa; Seconded by Sijie; Vote: 10-0-0.
- Possible/Proposed Change of CoBE TPRC Guidelines (tabled at last meeting)
- Report
- ChangeofCoBEGuidelines20230329
- Action
- Tabled.
Report :
- Action
Tabled to Fall 2023.
Proposing to brand CoBE as a center for rural entrepreneurship / College of Entrepreneurship and Rural Development / Center for regional entrepreneurship/ Center for regional commerce
Motion by Todd; Seconded by Andrey.
- CoBE Visiting Scholar
- Report
- CV, Letter, Proposal
- Action
- To accept the candidate as a visiting scholar for the 2023/2024 year.
Motion by Sukhwa; Seconded by Ben; Vote: 8-1-1.